Beeler: The party of No

The debate over extending jobless benefits at times sounds a lot like a married couple’s arguments as they talk past each other.  In truth, both Democrats and Republicans want to extend jobless benefits (regardless of whether it’s a good idea or not), although Democrats have mainly succeeded in spinning the debate for the media as heroic Democrats defending the jobless against the Republican meanies who want to cut off benefits.  The actual debate is over debt, and how much we want to keep creating while the Deficracken continues to roar.  Nate Beeler of the Washington Examiner uses this spin to pin the Party of No tail squarely on the donkey:


Actually, perhaps they should be the party of Pay-Go-No.  Ever since Democrats ostentatiously signed that measure into law, they have used every excuse in the book to avoid complying with it — in order to keep running up deficits and debt.

Be sure to check out Nate’s blog for more of his excellent work, featured at the indispensable Examiner.

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