Coakley misspells name of state she wants to represent

This is just too good to add as an update to my earlier Coakley post.  Via Jammie Wearing Fool, MassLive pays attention to that disclaimer message at the end of a Martha Coakley ad, and notices a Dan Quayle moment:


On the heels of last night’s final debate between Martha Coakley, Scott Brown and Joseph L. Kennedy, Coakley released a new ad attacking Scott Brown — an aggressive turn that many observers have thought was long overdue.

However the ad’s message might get lost by a spelling gaffe that appears in the ad’s closing seconds. In the fine print appearing at the bottom of the screen, the ad reads:

Paid for by Massachusettes Democratic Party and Authorized by Martha Coakley for Senate. Approved by Martha Coakley.

Close observers will notice that there is an extra ‘E’ tacked onto the end of ‘Massachusetts. It’s a trivial oversight, for sure, but you can bet that the jokes and jabs the typo will inspire will blunt at least some of the impact of the ad.

Here’s the screenshot:

And just to make clear, this came from Coakley’s own YouTube channel — see upper right of this screencap:


Maybe Coakley ought to know how to spell her state’s name before asking voters there to send her to Washington to represent them.  At the very least, it’s an answer to Democratic zingers about Dan Quayle, who managed to spell Indiana correctly even if misspelling potato on an infamous occasion.

Update: Coakley has pulled the video — which makes the screen-cap all that more valuable.

Update II: Ha!  Fixed my own misspelling.  Well, I guess I can abandon my bid for the Senate seat from the state of Very.

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