Classic TEMS: Marco Rubio, Fausta Wertz

I’m traveling to California today for Western CPAC, so I won’t be doing my regular show today. Instead, I’ll offer this classic episode from a few weeks ago, when I spoke to Florida House speaker Marco Rubio about his campaign for the US Senate, and with Fausta Wertz about Honduras and Latin America. The chat room will be open as well, so feel free to catch up with each other!


I’m hoping to get some interviews with key candidates in elections on the West Coast at W-CPAC, so stay tuned. I’ll have my camera and will be blogging intensely from Blogger Row on the presentations as well as hot breaking news as usual. I’m taking a couple of books with me, too, newly released this week. First is Craig Shirley’s new look at Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign, Rendezvous with Destiny: Ronald Reagan and the Campaign That Changed America. I’ll also peruse the new book from WND Books by David Gaubatz, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. Perhaps when I return next week, we can get the authors for our shows.

For the record, CAIR has denied the claims in the book.

Christmas season is coming, and you can get great deals delivered to your door. Check out Ed’s Bookshelf or search for what you want (full disclosure: I get compensated for sales made through these links):

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