Do you think that the person who compiles the best-seller lists in hardcover nonfiction at the New York Times might just need a hug these days, preferably from someone wearing an organic-hemp shirt with an aroma of patchouli? For the second week in a row, in the season of Hope and Change, Michelle Malkin tops the list with Culture of Corruption. In fact, the book is selling so well that it’s already in its third printing, and Amazon can barely keep it in stock. Michelle did a book-signing at the Right Online conference yesterday, among those who might have been expected to already have bought a copy of the book outlining the shady characters populating the Obama administration, and ran through the hundreds of books the publisher brought to the conference.
Afterwards, I remarked to Michelle that the media hadn’t really noted the fact that a conservative author was having this much success in Obama’s first year, which of course made Michelle laugh out loud. But perhaps it’s not so singular after all. Take a look at positions three, four, and five on the same list:
- In the President’s Secret Service – A look at the relationship between agents and Presidents by conservative journalist Ron Kessler (who spoke at Right Online)
- Catastrophe – Dick Morris and Eileen McGann warn about the advent of socialism and the destruction of the health-care system
- Liberty and Tyranny – Mark Levin’s book continues to sell like hotcakes.
Bill O’Reilly’s memoirs comes in at #7, too. There isn’t one liberal manifesto on the top 15 bestsellers. There are two books on Michael Jackson, two on business success and one on the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and another on Teddy Roosevelt as the “wilderness warrior,” but not a hint of interest in anything the liberals are selling these days.
I wonder why?
Update: I didn’t even look at the paperback best-seller list until it got mentioned in the comments, but guess who’s #1 there?
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