Video: NBC goofs on ... TOTUS?; Update: Trivia answer

Heck, they could almost have made this an Obamateurism of the Day. I’d love to see them run this on MS-NBC, except that Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann’s heads would explode. The network whose anchorman executed a bow to Obama actually interviews the man behind the TOTUS blog, via e-mail — complete with lame footage of reporters typing on a keypad:


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Does anyone else notice that the NBC reporter has the caps lock in the wrong position? Ah, well; I could spend all day picking on the Obama Network, but at least they mentioned this, and in a context that doesn’t include the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy’s obsession with TOTUS or comparisons between TOTUS time in different administrations. They actually admit that Obama has a Teleprompter addiction — and you have to love the table tennis sequence.

Note: Bonus points to anyone who can identify one of my favorite songs in the background during the interview, and why I laughed out loud from the irony of the title.

Update: The song is “Mais Que Nada”, by Sergio Mendes and Brasil ’66. The title means “more than nothing” in Portuguese, which seemed like a subtle emphasis on the role that TOTUS plays in Obama’s presidency. LastRick in the comments gets the win.


Note: Some translations of mais/mas que nada are “it’s nothing,” so choose your own brand of irony.

Here’s the band performing the song around the time of its release — and with the Black Eyed Peas in 2006. Sergio Mendes should have stuck to his own band. Feel free to stop at the 3 minute mark:

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David Strom 6:00 PM | October 21, 2024