TEMS: Andrew Malcolm, AIP's Despina Karras, Rob Simmons

Today, on the Ed Morrissey Show (3 pm ET), we’re back to our normal time, but we have a big show today — going to bonus minutes! First, our friend Andrew Malcolm joins us to talk about the sudden rehabilitation of Las Vegas as a junket town for taxpayer-subsidized travel. What happened to Anderson Cooper’s ratings? And what did the veteran correspondent think of Wanda Sykes’ performance?


Next, we’ll talk with AIP’s Despina Karras, a new columnist and blogger. We’ll review the President’s health-care initiative and get to know Despina. In bonus minutes, Rob Simmons joins us to tell us why he’s running against Chris Dodd for the US Senate, and how he’ll change the direction of policy when he beats Dodd.

Now you can join the conversation in the chat room! Be sure to register at Ustream to participate in our raucous live-chat sessions. (And if the log-in prompt doesn’t come up in the chat box below, use this link instead.) Jazz Shaw of The Moderate Voice moderates the chat, and he has his Troll Gun Trivia Contest running before the show, for those who get there early — and are registered!

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