YAF's Top Ten Academia Abuses of 2008

The end of the year approaches, and with it the inevitable list-building that sells millions of magazines and launches dozens of TV specials.  Young Americas Foundation and Jason Mattera have a list that will recall the highs and lows of 2008 … well, really just the lows, at least on college campuses.  Jason has compiled the top ten abuses in Academia of political correctness, and I participated in one, at least in the end:


2. Transgendered activists in, pro-life speakers out. Liberal administrators at the University of St. Thomas, a Catholic institution in Minnesota, censored the appearance of prominent pro-life speaker Star Parker because campus officials felt “uncomfortable” and “disturbed” by previous conservative speakers at the school. The University’s mission statement claims it values “the pursuit of truth,” “diversity,” and “meaningful dialogue.” Except, not really—or better yet, as long as the said “pursuit” doesn’t offend leftist predilections. Meanwhile, within the past year, the same school hosted Al Franken, the bombastic liberal comedian, and Debra Davis, a transgendered activist who believes God is a black lesbian. Realizing they had a public relations disaster on their hands, the head honchos at St. Thomas eventually reversed the ban on Star Parker.

When Parker got banned from St. Thomas, I referred to the school as “the Zimbabwe of American higher education.”  I attended Parker’s speech at the University of Minnesota and live-blogged it.  By that time, St. Thomas had already reversed their decision under pressure from students and Catholics who expressed amazement that a pro-life speaker could get banned for her beliefs at a Catholic university.  (And as an aside, bravo to the University of Minnesota for welcoming Parker.)


Jason and I agree that the only one that topped this incident was the the Yuba College decree that free speech could only take place on its campus for an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and only in the theater.  But there are plenty more to enrage and amuse readers, including the recent story of a kindergarten class forbidden to make Pilgrim and Indian costumes for Thanksgiving, and the false accusations of racism against environmental activists protesting the construction of a new athletics facility.  Just be sure to wear your ugly sweaters while wondering why Christmas is so threatening to Florida Gulf Coast University, and mull over the purpose of transgendered guest speakers at West Point.

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