Escape from LA: A few thoughts

Apropos of nothing in particular …

I returned from my semi-vacation in Southern California late last night, having left temperatures in the 70s to arrive in a lightly falling snow and below-freezing temperatures in the Twin Cities.  We didn’t get back to the house until around 11 pm last night, and thanks to the time difference didn’t get to sleep until well after midnight.  We’re gradually coming to life this morning … gradually.


We both lived in the LA area for most of our lives, and each time we return, we regret leaving it less and less.  Our families still live out there, which is why we love visiting, but the area itself seems tired and dingy, especially Los Angeles County.  There was a brown haze there for most of our trip, which may have been accentuated by the recent fires, although they were put out a few days before our arrival.  The effect was a little depressing.

But I was mostly struck by how little effort California and its counties have put into maintenance.  Freeway signs in areas I frequented as a resident have never been repaired or replaced, as an example, and they look old and faded.  The buildings look worse.  That look permeated most of the LA area, with some brighter spots in Orange County and in the nicer sections of the Valley.  This state has a budget of $103 billion, 20 times that of Minnesota, and you have to wonder where the money goes.

Of course, Minnesota has its problems too.  I missed this little gem of a story until Kevin McCullough brought it to my attention, but public bathrooms have once again become a hot spot:

While police say a high-profile indecent conduct case in the Minneapolis Metrodome Saturday is closed, a Carroll woman involved in it told the Daily Times Herald she believes she was a victim of foul play rather than a willing collaborator.

Lois K. Feldman, 38, of Carroll, and Ross M. Walsh, 26, of Linden, were ticketed for indecent conduct after they were reportedly caught engaging in sexual activity in a Metrodome men’s restroom handicapped stall during the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers game with the Iowa Hawkeyes. More than a dozen people in the restroom were cheering Feldman and Walsh by the time authorities arrived, a University of Minnesota Police report says. ….

When asked to respond to Feldman’s suggestion that she is a victim of a crime, Hestness said: “All I can say is the actions went on for some period of time with many witnesses on hand and no one reported either party was objecting.”

Hestness said Feldman made no allegations to the officers at the scene about the incident being non-consensual.

“If the implication is lack of consent due to intoxication, I guess that could be true for either party, however, they declined the officer’s request to submit to an (alcohol test) so the extent of intoxication cannot be demonstrated,” Hestness said.


Minnesota — a great place to live if you remember to use the toilet at home.  I wondered why people on the plane seemed so eager to hit the lavatories before the plane landed.

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