Unity like you can't believe: Hillary advisers skipping The One's speech

Want to know how well the Unity Fest has worked?  So far, the first achievement of Democratic Brotherhood Week is that some siblings have decided they have better events to attend.  Senior advisers to Hillary Clinton will not attend Barack Obama’s splashy acceptance speech at Invesco Field on Thursday, choosing to leave the convention when Hillary does:


A number of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s top advisers will not be staying in Denver long enough to hear Barack Obama accept the nomination for president, according to sources familiar with their schedules.

Clinton will deliver her speech Tuesday night. She will hold a private meeting with her top financial supporters Wednesday at noon, and will thank her delegates at an event that afternoon. Former president Bill Clinton will speak that night. Several of Hillary Clinton’s supporters are then planning to leave town. Among them, Terry McAuliffe, Clinton’s campaign chairman, and longtime supporters Steve Rattner and Maureen White. Another of Clinton’s top New York fundraisers, Alan Patricof, did not make the trip to Denver.

Earlier today, Hillary and Obama put out a joint press release accusing reporters of not knowing the facts when they wrote about continuing and deepening tensions between the Obama and Clinton camps.  Perhaps, but their show of unity doesn’t quite mesh with advisers — and fundraisers — bailing out of the historic lovefest at Invesco.  What other event could possibly take precedence over Obama’s acceptance speech?  Washing their hair?


Their words say, “Unity”, but their actions say “split”.

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