Mckinnzie Bewley update: Uncle's open letter to Hot Air readers

On Tuesday, I wrote about the heroism of Kevin Bewley, who gave his life for his comrades and his nation while attempting to defuse a terrorist explosive in Iraq last November. He left behind a four-year-old daughter, Mckinnzie, who suffers from cerebral palsy and needs therapy to learn to walk. Kevin’s brother, J. Patrick Bewley, launched a website to promote a trust fund set up by the family and the Navy to provide care and therapy for Mckinnzie. Afterwards, I received a letter from the Bewleys and wanted to share it with Hot Air readers:


My brother Kev (Kevin R. Bewley) was the real deal. We grew up in a rural town in Arkansas of about 400 people and we lived about 5 miles outside of town.

During two tours of duty in Iraq, he put himself in harms way over 288 times to disarm bombs in places like elementary schools, public markets, and busy streets. He was the kind of guy that would always step up.. often when no one else would. He never had any agenda for it. He just simply knew he could make a difference. And he did. He personally saved the lives of thousands of Iraqi citizens and hundreds of fellow American soldiers. He did it because he believed in the guy next to him.

One of his fellow sailors said this at his memorial:

“In all my years in the Navy, I’ve never met a man who exuded such positive energy,” one sailor wrote. “He didn’t bother with negativity. He didn’t have any room for it . . . Simply put, KB was the man.” “He was a beacon of sanity in an insane world.”

Kev loved Kinnzie more than anything. You can hear it in his voice for yourself on her website. He had plans and dreams for them when his time in the Navy was done. He wanted to buy a house back in Arkansas for him and her. He was passionate about her therapy and wanted to see her walk on her own.

I made a promise to look after Kinnzie for him. I am and I will. I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and read about her story and what a hero my brother was. His sacrifice serves as an inspiration for all of us to be a part of something larger than ourselves.

Thank you so much,

J. Patrick Bewley


In corresponding with Patrick, he tells me that the Hot Air community has already shown great generosity since the first post on Tuesday, and the family is very grateful for that — as am I. If you haven’t had an opportunity to visit the website and contribute to the fund yet, please take a little time to do so soon. If you can’t afford to contribute, then send them a note of support and keep them in your prayers.

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