
Degenerates Are Gaining Political Power

National Audubon Society video: "Birds Tell Us: The Song of the Meadowlark"

Bernie Sanders, unlike most Democratic politicians, is attracting crowds. 

As much as other progressive politicians are being pushed forward by the media, Bernie seems to be the only one who has organic support. 

And I get it. We live in a populist movement, and while populism scares the bejeezus out of the establishment because it is motivated by hatred or at least distrust of them, a growing number of people on both sides of the political aisle see populism as our only path to salvation. 

Unfortunately, leftist populism is driven by, at least for a substantial fraction of leftism, by a fondness for degeneracy. While all leftists hate the current social and political order, 

When I began writing this piece I was going to focus exclusively on left-wing degenerates, and to be fair they play a much larger role on the left than on the right, but there is a disturbing counter movement on the Right that deserves attention: the fondness of the Tate brothers by some on the Right. There is an element of the counter-feminist movement that has embraced anti-female extremism, rejecting not just alphabet ideology and radical feminism but even simple respect for women and their unique role in promoting civilization. 

Neither Yin nor Yang are supposed to dominate; they are to complement each other. 

But getting back to left-wing degeneracy, which is my topic for today.

Why would a United States Senator not just embrace, but put front and center a degenerate whose image of God is that He is a satyr whose role is to ejaculate on a drag queen?

It goes, I think, to the disturbing view that our highest selves are revealed in sexuality, not our moral beings. Human beings are not souls incarnate, defined by our virtues and moral choices, which are created through struggle and self-sacrifice; we are carnal beings defined by our appetites and most base desires. 

The gay rights movement was successful because at its core was the contention that homosexuals are NOT defined by their carnal desires, which we all have and which vary quite widely, but by our higher natures and by how we treat others and control our desires for the betterment of all mankind. 

That was a persuasive argument because our moral sense tells us that this is so. 

Alphabet ideology preaches the opposite. Little things like our moral sense are mere epiphenomena; what really matters is what we do with the holes and appendages of our bodies, and how we interact with our bodily fluids. 

I use the term "degenerate" with reason; this belief is the opposite of uplifting. We are not called to rise above and control our appetites and emotions, but to revel in them and reject the very idea of virtue and self-control. Sexuality is the essential self, and any concession to socialization is oppression. 

"I need to live in my full self" as a kindergarten teacher is degenerate. No: you need to live as a kindergarten teacher elevating children to become something better than a barbarian, as all children are at that age. Sharing, caring, self-control are the first lessons we must all learn, as well as getting along with others. 

That song, sung at a Bernie Sanders rally, is specifically intended to insult every believer and to convey the message that the body's desires are the real person. God is nothing more than sexual pleasure. 

What a depressing, anti-civilization philosophy. 

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