WaPo: The Science™ Says Trump Is Wrong on Sex Binary


We have entered the "if Trump says it, it must be false" stage of discourse yet again. 

(Anti-)Scientific American has done the "Science™ says that sex is a spectrum" pieces, and now The Washington Post has thrown out its version of gender spectrum nonsense. 


Mark Johnson, the Post's "Pulitzer Prizewinning Science Journalist™," proudly drops his anti-Trump screed in which he explains that Trump's executive order that defines sex as binary is anti-scientific nonsense. 

He trots out the same tired arguments that we have been subjected to for years, none of which bear repeating because they all come down to handwaving in the service of alphabet ideology. There is nothing "scientific" about the arguments. 

Don't trust me on this; here is the most celebrated biologist in the world to tell you so:

Johnson's piece is just one in a long line of postmodernist-inspired redefinitions of reality to make it accord with the ideological desires of the cultural and political elites. These efforts have been going on for nearly a century in one form or another as an outgrowth of "critical theory," and until recently, the efforts have been extraordinarily successful. 

DEI is the apotheosis of this movement--the direct effort to reorder society along leftist-preferred lines, transferring wealth and power from one group to another, and alphabet ideology is the apotheosis of DEI. 


The problem, though, is that the closer "critical theorists" get to easily discerned reality--there are boys and girls, not a spectrum--the less persuasive it is. The ideas get so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them. 

Johnson rests his argument--backed up by all the usual suspects--on the uncontroversial fact that there are genetic defects that occur leading to what is loosely referred to as "intersex" characteristics. 

Well, duh. Some people are born with only one arm or leg, or one kidney, or malformed body parts. That doesn't change the fact that human beings have two arms, two legs, or one head. That there are exceptions to the rule doesn't mean the rule doesn't exist. 

And, of course, all of this is beside the actual point: Johnson and his ilk are arguing that literal boys with testicles, penises, and all the biological benefits of being born male should compete in women's sports. 

All the rest is handwaving. The "well actually..." is a total distraction from a very basic issue: should be force women to get beaten up by men and be ogled by them in locker rooms?

All these people remind me of the sociologist I was talking to in graduate school who seriously explained to me that gravity was a "Western" scientific concept and didn't really exist. 

I asked her: "If you walked out that window over there, would you fall to the ground?"

Her response: "Yes, but only because I was raised in Western culture and can't shake the belief in science."


Reality either exists or doesn't. You can't change it by changing the definition of words. 

Americans are waking up to the fact that the people making these arguments are doing so in bad faith--that this is about power, not science or fairness. A smaller and smaller fraction of Americans is willing to listen to this nonsense. 

But the left can't let it go, at least not yet. Using critical theory, they have taken the commanding heights of cultural and economic power. DEI grants fund them. DEI policies help them put their acolytes in positions of wealth and power. DEI helps them control the schools, academia, and corporations. 

DEI, NetZero, alphabet ideology, USAID, $2 billion grants to Stacey Abrams, the Clinton Foundation grift, the World Economic Forum, ESG--they are all of a part. 

So "Pulitizer-prizewinning Science Journalists™" have to pretend that sex is not binary. If they don't the whole structure might come tumbling down. 

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