Trump Goes After Climate Fanatics; UPDATE: Biden Says "Expect More Climate Funding" Before He Leaves

Jeff Schrier/The Saginaw News via AP

Donald Trump is having none of it. 

For decades now, the climate cultists have been predicting doom for all life on earth, and for decades now, not one of their predictions has come true. 


While I am not a fan of the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), to be fair, I should note that if you dive into its reports much of the reason for hysteria evaporates even using its data. Politicians and activists are the ones who make most of the apocalyptic predictions, while the IPCC scientists are often much more restrained--warning of possibilities, downplaying scaremongering about hurricanes and other natural disasters, and poo-pooing claims that wildfires are related to climate change. 

But the climate-concerned are not the problem we face; it is the climate scammers who are whipping up hysteria in order to control our economy, vacuum up trillions of dollars for themselves, and build a form of technocratic communism. 

As I said, Trump is having none of it. 

If the climate doomers had been right, there would be no more snow, no more arctic ice, polar bears would all be drowned, and the Midwest would have become a desert already. CBS still trots out Paul Ehrlich to warn about resources running out, mass starvation, and to reiterate predictions that have failed so often that he should be a joke, not a respected professor. 

Legions of climate scientists are worrying that the flood of money that has floated them in academic yachts will dry out, and that of course has always been the point. They sell fear, and fear pays well. 

The intellectual version of fentanyl has been a good earner, both for climate "scientists" and the climate scammers who suck up subsidies, the NGOs that promote the scam, and especially for the phony companies and transnational giants who sell the next "solution" to climate change. 


Bill Gates and his ilk get to experiment with antiflatulent drugs for cows and invest in ridiculous schemes to sell lab-grown meat and crickets for food. Whole countries demand payments from Western countries as reparations for non-existent climate harms. 

The Maldives have been portrayed as Ground Zero for climate catastrophe for 3 decades, and were supposed to be underwater for years by now. Instead they are one of the top tourist destinations, with a new airport, billions in new investment, and...a court case where the government is suing for climate reparations against the West. 

The transnational elite has made good money, gained enormous control over our economy, and enjoyed wonderful vacations in lovely places to discuss how to "solve" climate change. Millions of air miles on private planes have been flown to conferences where the transnational elite discuss how to harvest more tax dollars into their own pockets, and how to gain control over more of our economies. 


Meanwhile, the climate scam has harmed both poor and wealthy countries. Energy prices have skyrocketed so much in Germany that the country is deindustrializing. Norway is planning to cut itself off of the European grid because European energy policies have made energy ridiculously expensive for Norwegians. This, in turn, will increase power prices even more in other countries, as Norway exports clean hydropower. 

Trump didn't buy into the climate scam during his first term, but he didn't outright kill it. 

I don't think that will be true this time around. 

Immigration policy may be Trump's headline issue, but his economic plans are underpinned by a determination to unleash the American energy sector. His battle against inflation, in particular, is predicated on energy abundance, which in turn will drive down costs on everything. 


Climate scammers are scared and girding their loins for battle. They have fewer tools to fight back than they would like, but I suspect that lawfare and environmental regulations will be where they put the most effort. 

Their strategy has been based on fearmongering, and none of Trump's voters are remotely scared, and many non-Trump voters are only vaguely concerned. Costs matter more to them, at least. 

Research on climate should, of course, continue. But it must return to being science, not politics. And the current crop of scaremongers should be shown the door. 

Maybe they can go work for a wind energy company studying the damage done to birds and whales they have caused. 

UPDATE: Biden says we should expect more climate funding from him before he leaves office. I guess there are more beds to be feathered and too little time to do it all, so he has to rush. 

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David Strom 2:00 PM | March 06, 2025