Vance Was the Perfect Choice for V.P.

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

J.D. Vance gets a lot of grief, with people complaining that he has been a drag on the ticket and has offended too many constituent groups, especially women. 


I beg to differ. 

As we get closer to next Tuesday's Vice Presidential debate, it's time for Vance critics to step back for a minute and rethink their Vance skepticism. 

There is one and only one reason why Vance is perceived as a bad choice: the media dirtied him up. You can point to his "crazy cat ladies" quip from a podcast made years ago or some of the other "gaffes" people claim he made, but the fact is that no matter who Trump chose, the very same tactics would be used to destroy them too. 

Republicans wet the bed every time on every issue, worrying about what the media will say about some person, position, or image. It's a fools' game to worry though. No matter WHAT Republican says WHAT thing, the media and the Democrats will put it in the very worst light or outright lie about what was said or meant. 

Look at all the hoaxes deployed against Trump. It simply doesn't matter what you say or do, the leftists will distort it and make Republicans look terrible. 


So forget about that. Whoever Trump chose the very same process would happen. Just as the media turned on a dime regarding Kamala Harris, they focused all their attention on destroying Vance because he is the VP candidate, and they would have done the same no matter who it was. If you doubt their ability to distort reality, look at this:

So what makes Vance a superb choice?

He is even better than Trump at striking back at the media, and has proven to be a very effective attack dog who can break through the media bulls**t and get the Republican message out. It isn't remarkable that Vance took a lot of hits in his rollout; what's remarkable is that he took the hits and struck back so effectively. 

Vance doesn't get distracted, doesn't let his ego get in the way of pushing out his message, and doesn't get flustered. While the Harris campaign doesn't even let Tim Walz speak to the media, Vance does it every day, all day, and he is damn good at it. 


He is a million times smarter than the catty midwits in the media, and it shows. This presidential campaign has allowed him to showcase his skills and my respect for him has increased a thousandfold. 

Trump moves people at a visceral level, and Vance complements Trump's strengths and bolsters the more cerebral side of campaigning. That's why Trump has chosen Vance to do the majority of the hostile interviews. It's not that Trump is afraid of them--he appears to be afraid of nothing, including bullets--but rather that he knows Vance is better at communicating with people who find Trump too rambling and emotional. 

Vance also can take on certain critics of the ticket in a different way than Trump can. Trump counterpunches, but usually his punches are quips and insults. They may be appropriate, but they aren't persuasive to Trump skeptics. Vance fills that role well. 


Punching back at Zelenskyy was necessary, and Trump can insult him in a way that working-class people appreciate, while Vance complements that counterpunch with a counterargument. Trump gets the emotional tone right for his audience, and Vance gets the intellectual argument right. 

It's ironic because Vance is genuinely from a working-class background, and Trump comes from the elite, but their appeal is the opposite. 

Vance speaks fluent policy, while Trump speaks fluent dealmaking. They will make an incredibly powerful team when elected, and Vance will help Trump take down the mainstream media and their propaganda operation. 

He was the perfect choice. 

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