
It's Time to Threaten NATO With US Withdrawal

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

I firmly believe that NATO was absolutely necessary during the Cold War. As an anticommunist, I believe it was worth the investment to defend Europe against the Soviet Union, and Reagan's willingness to confront the Soviet Union was instrumental in freeing countries such as Poland and Hungary--both thriving countries in the 21st century. 

But NATO is a mess, and it surely isn't Trump's fault. NATO countries today are becoming as great a threat to American freedom as the Soviet Union was in the 1980s. 

I was never much of a pessimist about the Soviet Union's nuclear threat to America. I felt then and do now that the greater threat was ideological and political--they worked to subvert American values and divide us politically. 

Europe is doing precisely the same thing today, only this time using soft power, intervening in our elections, working with the American-based transnational elites, and humiliating Americans abroad. 

The most obvious example is Turkey's jerking our chains. 

But Turkey is an annoyance, not a threat. We could easily drop them as an ally at any time without seriously harming our geopolitical power. The only reason we don't is because they are a member of NATO, and we are bound by treaty obligations to defend them. 

No, the bigger threat to our freedoms is the European Union, who are collaborating with progressives in the United States to undermine the basic freedoms of Americans. 

Using the Digital Services Act, the EU has been threatening to destroy Twitter/X because it allows free speech, and the EU has become a back door tool for the tyrants in the Democratic Party to impose censorship on Americans. 

This is, as I have argued before, a casus belli. Not that I believe that the United States should declare war against Europe--it's not worth our time or trouble, no less the lives it would cost. But by directly attacking the rights of Americans to exercise their First Amendment guarantee to free speech, Europe is attacking every single American. 

This is intolerable, and while an economically weakened Europe is not in our financial interest, neither is spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year defending countries that have declared themselves enemies of our freedom. We fought communists for this reason, and we surely shouldn't be bowing down to regimes hostile to our freedom. 

Europe, collectively, has more economic might than the United States, and the only reason they choose not to defend themselves is our willingness to do it for them. Theoretically, this could make sense--it gives America the power to persuade Europe to bend to our will. But the opposite is happening. The US, because of our commitment to NATO, is bending to the will of Europeans. 

Granted, this is largely because of our own elites identify more with those in Europe and around the world trying to establish a worldwide technocracy under their collective control, but in a rational world, we would turn our backs on countries so hostile to our Liberal values. 

Europe is dominated by a soft tyranny of the technocrat, and I want none of it. I supported NATO during the Cold War because the countries were, more or less, liberal democracies. 

They no longer are, and I want nothing to do with their form of soft tyranny, just as I want nothing to do with communist tyrannies. When our allies are arresting free speech advocates, threatening to extradite Americans for speaking their minds, and imposing a worldwide censorship regime it's time to turn our back on them and ally more closely with countries that still believe in freedom. 

Western Europe is tired and weak. Poland is the dominant military power in Europe and a greater beacon of freedom than any of our traditional allies. I identify more with Poland and Hungary than with France or Great Britain these days. 

So screw them. If they reform, perhaps we can talk. If not, let them fall. They will be ruled by Sharia thugs if they continue down this path, and I want none of it. 

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