Even the Media Isn't Buying Kamalanomics, But the Democrats Are

AP Photo/Cristobal Herrera, File

If you thought Bidenomics have been a disaster, just wait until Kamala has her shot at destroying the American economy. 

The Harris campaign has been on a tear lately, lying about the Trump/Vance ticket, pushing long debunked hoaxes along with a few new ones, stealing Trump and Vance policies that are popular, and pushing insane socialist policies that any sane person knows are discredited disasters waiting to happen. 


It may be working. But will it continue to do so?

Both The New York Times and the Washington Post have taken shots at the obviously bad policy of price controls, with the Post actually blasting both barrels of the shotgun at her. 

Anyone with a smidgeon of sense, training in economics, or even who lived through the 1970s knows that price controls are a disastrous policy that destroys economies, creates black markets, increases crimes, and if continued after obvious failure, leads to economies like the Soviet Union, Cuba, or Venezuela. 

In a free market economy, supply and demand regulate prices naturally, and in socialist economies, artificially low prices lead to shortages, starvation, privation, and black markets where the wealthy get what they need and the poor starve. In Venezuela, where my wife's uncles live, they almost starved to death before a Church group saved them. 

Literally. They were on death's door. 

Democrats, though, are flocking to the idea as they do If nothing else, this shows that no how matter how bad an idea is you can get a large number of people to cheer you on. 


Bob Casey is in a very tight race for reelection to the Senate in Pennsylvania, and he is foursquare behind this disastrous idea. 

This begs the question: is he economically illiterate (likely) or a sociopath (almost certainly)?

I choose both. You can be a moron and a sociopath, although statistically speaking, sociopaths tend to be smarter than average. 

 As I have said often recently, we live in the stupidest timeline. The Democrats installed a mentally declining senile old man into office with the assurance they could control him, and when he imploded in June they replaced him with a vapid moron whom they are sure they can control. 

One of the most interesting phenomena to me is the whole "conservatives for Harris" movement who are forced to defend this, proving that they are either so insane that their brains are turned off or that they were never conservatives to begin with. I think it is a mixed bag. Some are genuine conservatives so consumed by hate that they are willing to sacrifice their souls and even their country to defeat Trump. And many--like the Lincoln Project guys and George Conway are just grifters making bank on selling socialism to America. 


They might have convinced themselves that Biden was somehow a moderate despite all the evidence. How many will follow Kamala Harris into full-blown communism? 

One is too many. I expect a lot of them will. 

Columnists like David French, who used to be pro-life, a social conservative, and economically literate, are proudly proclaiming their support for abortion until birth, sterilizing and mutilating children, pornography in schools, and communist economic policies. 

He mystifies me because I doubt he is a total sellout, so I have to assume he is just insane. Maybe I am wrong on that one. He could be both insane and a sellout, enjoying his acclaim from the Establishment as well as convinced that sacrificing a few babies and children to the woke gods is a small price to pay for defeating Orange Man. 

That the "Republicans for Harris" are now to the left of the Washington Post and The New York Times is fascinating, in a sick way. 

I have been following some of the less insane NeverTrumpers on Twitter/X and it is fascinating to watch them twist themselves into knots after the Harris price controls leaks. They are very upset, as if it never occurred to them that supporting a socialist would mean supporting socialist policies. 


Somehow, it is a shock to them. 

Will they ever get past their hatred of Trump and start acting rationally? There is little evidence to suggest they will. 

It's too bad. Some of them are otherwise good people. 

You might even say they are "very fine people."

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David Strom 8:00 PM | September 10, 2024