How The Establishment Creates Disinformation and Brainwashing

AP Photo/Hiro Komae

Do you want a lesson in how the Establishment's brainwashing complex works? We have several examples to choose from. 

Due to the compressed time frame of the campaign, the Media-Intelligence-Big Tech brainwashing machine is working in overdrive and rushing to produce its bulls**t at such a rapid pace that you can actually see it happen in real time. Stories that would be worked into the information sphere in increments are dumped almost at once, and because of that, you can see how the machinery works much more clearly. 


There are a lot of examples right now, but I am going to use the Vance couch story because all the elements are so clearly laid out, and it is one of the most vile examples you can see. However, given the subject, be warned that some of the tweets I am going to use are very "not safe for work," so be forewarned. 

No doubt you have heard this story by now because the Kamala Harris campaign is literally using this bit of fake news to insult J.D. Vance in rallies, tweets, and through their social media influencers. TV comics are amplifying it, ensuring that the slur is spread far and wide. 

Tim Walz is literally accusing J.D. Vance of having sex with a couch--slyly, of course--but out in the open. It is a remarkable bit of slander, and it was planned weeks ago, even before Walz got into the race. 

Let me show you the sequence used by the media-industrial complex to make this happen. And yes, the Associated Press was in on the conspiracy to do this, and if the organization were a genuine news outlet journalists and editors would be fired, drawn and quartered, and have their entrails strewn across the land. 

But of course, they were all in on it, so they are just chuckling into their sleeves and hoping for jobs in a prospective Harris administration. No matter how much you hate the media, you really, REALLY don't hate them enough. 

So, how did this all get started?

First, some evil genius came up with an absurd accusation that nobody would believe: that J.D. Vance wrote in his autobiography that he had sex with a couch. It was then posted on Twitter to an account that almost nobody followed


Over the past week, for every seven people searching Google for "JD Vance," one person has searched "JD Vance couch," according to Google Trends. Memes of Vance fantasizing about living-room furnishings have flooded the internet. Despite being, very obviously, a joke, the post was debunked in two fact-checks by mainstream media outlets — one by Snopes and one by The Associated Press (which later deleted the fact-check from its website). Foreseeably and perversely, those debunkings propelled Couch Discourse into the mainstream.

The rumor's spread has also heralded a new style of online engagement from Democrats. In marked contrast to the Obama-era decorum of "when they go low, we go high," Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign has embraced a tongue-in-cheek tone, including writing on X, "JD Vance does not couch his hatred for women."

The man claims he did it on his own, but that is almost certainly bulls**t. It is possible, but unlikely since it, like the Associated Press "fact check," came and went after it did its job of injecting the couch discourse into the world. 

It was literally not a thing until the Associated Press decided to amplify it, and somebody fed it to them in order to do so. Any normal reporter would have passed, and even the AP admitted that the fact check should never have been published because it didn't meet their standards. Where the "fact check" was is now a blank page saying the story did not go through its normal editing process


Hmm. Yeah. It existed simply to create this meme. 

But they did it, and they did it for an obvious reason. The Associated Press is the most influential news organization in the world. When they do something, it goes out effectively to every other news organization in the world because they subscribe to it. We at Townhall Media here use their photo library, for instance, since obviously, we don't have photographers everywhere. Most news sources subscribe to the AP because they don't have reporters everywhere, so the AP fills that hole. 

Imagine the excitement of reporters to see such a salacious story! It's fun and too good to check. And the AP gave them an opportunity to discuss something salacious. Everybody can claim it is a joke, but everybody also knows it is a slur with a purpose to make J.D. Vance "weird."

Hence, it gets amplified and spread, getting back on Twitter and is now fair game. 

Suddenly, major accounts with hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers are talking about the issue. It went from one guy in his basement to the Associated Press back out into Twitter, going to millions of people. It is everywhere. 


Nobody BELIEVES the story, of course, but it is a good smear. Sly jokes, lots of new "weird" talk (Tim Walz, anyone?) that blows up into hundreds or thousands of mentions in the media, and a new smear is born. It's not the truth or falsity that matters, but the stench. J.D. Vance and couches! Ha!

It gets onto the nightly comedy shows, will all sorts of disclaimers, but they amplify the story more. 

It is all over, playing into the similarly planted "weird" meme. It creates a bigger pile of bulls**t that smells even worse. 

Yes, everybody knows it is NOT true, but it sure seems weird that a Vice Presidential candidate having sex with a couch is all people in the media are talking about, joking about, etc. It is everywhere on social media. Snopes now fact-checks it, which, of course, means that it is fair game to talk about. 

Has Snopes fact-checked a claim somebody whispered that Tim Walz had sex with a camel? Nope. Because it is ridiculous to do so. 

It's WEIRD, you know. Really WEIRD. 

Get it?

Now, all of a sudden, it is even more fair game, and it's a hot enough topic that Tim Walz and Kamala Harris are using it as a bit at their rallies and on Twitter. It is weird, and J.D. Vance is weird, and did you know he f**ked a couch?


Everybody here has deniability, of course. IT IS CERTAINLY NOT TRUE THAT J.D. VANCE... but really, isn't that WEIRD?!

Salena Zito asks the obvious question: why isn't anybody asking the Harris/Walz team why they are spreading this disgusting calumny? After all, they are putting decency back into the White House or something, right? They are the good guys, right?

The answer is obvious: the media loves the story, wants Harris and Walz to keep using it, helped generate the story to begin with, and is part of the complex that planned this out weeks ago. The media isn't challenging Walz or Harris because they are PARTNERS in crime with them. 

The whole "couch" and "weird" memes were always meant to be complementary and were planned together from the beginning. I can't prove that, but it seems obvious to me. The Associated Press intervention is what seals the deal--without that ridiculous and OBVIOUSLY planted "fact check" this would all be some unread tweet on an unknown Twitter account. 

The Democrats always planned to use this line of attack, invented it, planted it with the Associated Press, and nurtured it to the point that they could assert, slyly, that J.D. Vance is so weird he screws couches. 

Even Congressmen are pushing the meme:


All from a fake tweet. 

No, all from a well-conceived conspiracy that began with a tweet and ended with a Vice Presidential candidate spreading the smear. 

Obviously, the whole scheme to make this happen is more complicated than this and is likely to be part of a larger brainwashing scheme they will be rolling out over the next couple of months, but you can see the outlines clearly. 

Once you see it, it is impossible to unsee. 

The Associated Press "fact check" was the key to the whole scheme. A "news" story was planted, got the ball rolling, and then was rapidly pulled to hide the critical role it played in creating a disgusting smear being used by the Vice Presidential candidate of the Democrat Party. 

Lying and creating narratives is what they exist to do. They have the power to abuse, so they abuse it. 


This is how it is done. 

PITCH:  You have heard about how Elon Musk is suing GARM because of their advertising bans on conservative sites. Well, we are in the crosshairs of GARM and all of Big Tech too. They work night and day to ensure that our advertising revenue is squashed. 

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