No More Stonewalling on the Assassination Attempt!

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Something is very fishy about the lack of information on the Trump Assassination attempt. A man died, others wounded, and the former and future President of the United States was struck by a bullet and escaped death by pure luck. 


And we know little more about the event today than on July 14th, right after the dust settled. 

I would assume that hundreds or even thousands of law enforcement agents are working on the case, digging up tidbits of information, but that the big questions are mostly already answered--just not to us. The FBI and the Secret Service are hiding the ball and even feeding conspiracy theories intentionally, such as when FBI Director Wray suggested that Trump wasn't actually shot

This is insane. 

The Secret Service Director--when she was testifying before Congress--actually said that it would take 60 days to produce a report and that the public wouldn't learn anything more until it was done. 

Insane. Nobody expects to get a final report today or next week, but we have a right to know the basic facts, and they don't have a right to keep them from Congress at the very least, but they are.

Josh Hawley has introduced a bill that would force the information to be declassified, and in an ideal world I wouldn't be happy to support such a broad bill. I can understand that some elements of an investigation might be best left unrevealed--for instance, there is some indication of others who may or may not have been involved, and even hints about encrypted communications with foreigners. I have no idea if those rumors are true or false, but perhaps keeping information like that out of the media at this point could be wise. 


BUT, the FBI and Secret Service are stonewalling, and obviously, we can't trust them to tell us what we SHOULD know. It's not just that we have more than enough reason to distrust them in general, but here specifically they are acting like they have a lot to hide. 

For instance, nobody told us this:

Not only is it important for us to know this little tidbit--that the Secret Service was offered the use of drones multiple times--to understand the failures that occurred, but it also gives us insight into the reasons WHY the assassination attempt could be carried out. We need to know why this happened and immediately. 

Why does it take a whistleblower risking his job to get this basic information out there? What else are they hiding? Why are they working so hard to hide things? There is no reasonable explanation for why we couldn't be told this--it's not like anybody can go back in time and use it. 


 I am working hard to avoid getting into conspiracy theory mode here--I still believe that incompetence was at work here and not a plot that includes law enforcement. 

But the FBI and Secret Service are making it difficult for me not to doubt their good intentions. 

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