The Gaslighting Is Off the Charts

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

Did you know that Kamala was never the "Border Czar?"

She is wildly popular, too. The kids find her cool, and she is going to be the sensation for Gen Z!

A massive grassroots movement handed her the nomination. From the bottom up, not the top down. The Democrat Party leadership had nothing to do with it. 


These are just some of the claims coming from Democrats and the mainstream media, and it is insane. Axios--which published articles calling Kamala the "Border Czar" now claims it never happened. Not true at all. Time magazine did the same thing. News about Kamala is actually being deleted from websites around the world. 

It's 1984.

If you need any proof that the mainstream media was doing reporting and not the bidding of the Democrat Establishment when they participated in a coordinated campaign to oust Joe Biden, well, here is your proof. They are now spreading the most ridiculous propaganda on behalf of Kamala on the orders of the Democrat Establishment. 

It's not even subtle. It's not like anybody who watched the news and paid attention doesn't know that Kamala was the Border Czar, but if you repeat it enough, you have created a narrative that many people will believe. They'll just go: "Huh, I guess I was wrong about that."


The mainstream media is nothing but Regime Media. They are as captured as the media in any totalitarian regime, as shameless as Baghdad Bob, and as corrupt as Senator Bob Menendez. I wouldn't be surprised if these guys had gold bars and wads of cash in their closets (they don't...I think...they are paid with power).

The most infamous part of that interview will be played again and again:

The Democrats are already memory-holing all this, and the mainstream media is working hard to help. Publications that did entire stories on issues with Kamala are just lying, straight to our faces. It is the definition of gaslighting--trying to convince us that we are insane and that the world is entirely different from our own experience of it. 


It's not even as subtle as in the movie. It is blatant brainwashing, and for many people it will work. IT's not like people followed Kamala Harris' career closely until now. They are aware she exists, have impressions, but not strong opinions yet because they simply haven't cared enough to have them. 

Now their opinions are being assigned to them. 

We are being fed a line about how enthusiastic people are about Kamala--the "bottom-up" campaign to anoint her tool less than 2 days! But it is all a lie. 

Dissent from this narrative will be harshly punished, and praise of Kamala in the media will be richly rewarded. Access, favors, power will all be dispensed for those who comply with demands by the Regime. 


The level of shamelessness would be astonishing, but these days, nothing about the corruption of the MSM can be astonishing. They have come to the conclusion that they can do anything and get away with it, as long as the Regime likes them. If you don't comply with their wishes, a sudden sex scandal or claims that racial slurs were used are sufficient to dispose of the offender. 

This is exactly the same pattern the MSM used to dispose of Joe Biden. There was a positive narrative that he was "sharp as a tack," once that was irrefutably exposed to be false, they reversed themselves and joined the push to dispose of him. It happens within hours. 

It's infuriating, but probably only to those of us who pay attention, and many people don't. 

The media uses the power of repetition to pound ideas into our heads, and only those who paid attention before saw Harris' failures enough times to have them burned into our brains. 


Will the public see through this? I don't know. Donald Trump and MAGA, Inc will spend hundreds of millions to combat the image that the mainstream media promotes of Kamala Harris for free. 

This is what we are up against. It's sick. It's evil. And sometimes evil wins. 

So work hard to get Donald Trump elected, because the media is working hard to stop him from having a shot. 

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024