NYT: Insiders Have Seen Biden Declining For 'Months'

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

When dams break, you get a gush and not a trickle. 

Well, regarding Biden's senility in office, the gushing has begun and the panicked rush away from Biden is beginning. Nobody wants to get drowned by the deluge. 


That doesn't mean Biden is going to be kicked off the ticket--right now, it's still his choice whether he will be on the ballot in November, although that could change if his cabinet members flinch or something else dramatic happens. But the whispers about Joe's senility are becoming more frequent and louder. 

Very much louder. 

It's not often you get a major story that isn't "breaking news" dropping in the late afternoon, but The New York Times just posted a huge article with FOUR authors citing insiders in the White House admitting that Biden has lost more than a step. He is often confused and loses his train of thought. 

It was not quite what we were told repeatedly until Thursday night

In the weeks and months before President Biden’s politically devastating performance on the debate stage in Atlanta, several current and former officials and others who encountered him behind closed doors noticed that he increasingly appeared confused or listless, or would lose the thread of conversations.

Like many people his age, Mr. Biden, 81, has long experienced instances in which he mangled a sentence, forgot a name or mixed up a few facts, even though he could be sharp and engaged most of the time. But in interviews, people in the room with him more recently said that the lapses seemed to be growing more frequent, more pronounced and more worrisome.

The uncomfortable occurrences were not predictable, but seemed more likely when he was in a large crowd or tired after a particularly bruising schedule. In the 23 days leading up to the debate against former President Donald J. Trump, Mr. Biden jetted across the Atlantic Ocean twice for meetings with foreign leaders and then flew from Italy to California for a splashy fund-raiser, maintaining a grueling pace that exhausted even much younger aides.

Mr. Biden was drained enough from the back-to-back trips to Europe that his team cut his planned debate preparation by two days so he could rest at his house in Rehoboth Beach, Del., before joining advisers at Camp David for rehearsals. The preparations, which took place over six days, never started before 11 a.m. and Mr. Biden was given time for an afternoon nap each day, according to a person familiar with the process.

Referring to the start time, Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman, said “the president was working well before then, after exercising.”


It was less than a week ago that the very same people who are now spilling the beans were telling us that Joe Biden is "sharp as a tack" and the best version of Joe Biden they had ever seen. 

Suddenly he is a diminished, senile man. 

Of course, as this article points out, there is nothing sudden at all about the decline of Biden. Even back in 2019, Biden was clearly not the man who savaged Paul Ryan in the 2012 Vice Presidential debate. Nor is he a man who had a huge reservoir of intellect upon which to draw such that losing a step would still leave him one of the smartest men in the room. 

Biden was never smart or wise, and his decline has left him incapacitated for much of the time. 

The recent moments of disorientation generated concern among advisers and allies alike. He seemed confused at points during a D-Day anniversary ceremony in France on June 6. The next day, he misstated the purpose of a new tranche of military aid to Ukraine when meeting with its president.

On June 10, he appeared to freeze up at an early celebration of the Juneteenth holiday. On June 18, his soft-spoken tone and brief struggle to summon the name of his homeland security secretary at an immigration event unnerved some of his allies at the event, who traded alarmed looks and later described themselves as “shaken up,” as one put it. Mr. Biden recovered, and named Alejandro N. Mayorkas.

He is certainly not that way all the time. In the days since the debate debacle, aides and others who encountered him, including foreign officials, described him as being in good shape — alert, coherent and capable, engaged in complicated and important discussions and managing volatile crises. They cited example after example in cases where critical national security issues were on the line.


Karine Jean-Pierre has a point when called out on her claim that the videos showing Biden's decline were "cheap fakes." She rightly pointed out that it wasn't just the White House, but "experts" and fact checkers making that claim as well. 

It was a coordinated hoax, perhaps led by the White Hosue but with the aid of the entire Establishment. 

She's not wrong about that, and her pushback is a challenge to the media. 

As I have written, the real target we conservatives to need to focus on right now is not Joe Biden--the Democrats' circular firing squad is doing a fine job of wounding Biden--but on the people who have perpetrated this hoax for months and years. 

The New York Times is writing as if Biden's decline was a secret--it wasn't--and the MSM worked hand in glove with the White House to discredit people who were telling the truth. 

"Fact-checkers" be damned. They are liars, and we need to force people to not just see that but to quit trusting them on ANYTHING. 

This account is based on interviews with current and former White House aides, political advisers, administration officials, foreign diplomats, domestic allies and financial donors who saw Mr. Biden in the last few weeks, sometimes just briefly, sometimes for more extended periods. In most cases, they spoke on condition of anonymity because of the delicacy of the matter.


Where were these people over the past months? 

Telling the MSM that all this talk is wrong, fake, and misinformation...the media, knowing this to be false as they surely did, went along with it all and pushed out this false Narrative™. 

But by many accounts, as evidenced by video footage, observation and interviews, Mr. Biden is not the same today as he was even when he took office 3½ years ago. The White House regularly releases corrected transcripts of his remarks, in which he frequently mixes up places, people or dates. The administration did so in the days after the debate, when Mr. Biden mixed up the countries of France and Italy when talking about war veterans at an East Hampton fund-raiser.

Last week’s debate prompted some around him to express concern that the decline had accelerated lately. Several advisers and current and former administration officials who see Mr. Biden regularly but not every day or week said they were stunned by his debate performance because it was the worst they had ever seen him.

You don’t have to be sitting in an Oval Office meeting with Joe Biden to recognize there’s been a slowdown in the past two years. There’s a visible difference,” said Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian. “I’ve been amazed on one hand,” said Mr. Brinkley, who has not seen the president in person in a year. “The president can zip around the country like he does. But the White House may only be showing the Biden they want us to see.”


The New York Times is pushing out breathless stories about this shocking political development, as if it shocks them at all. Each and every one of these reporters surely knew all about what was happening. Carl Bernstein even admitted that reporters knew. Ed wrote about that earlier today

On the occasions that Mr. Biden has chosen to speak with reporters on short notice, it has not always gone well. In February, he angrily hit back against a special counsel’s report on his handling of classified documents, in which the special counsel, Robert K. Hur, characterized the president as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” The furious president defended himself and his memory to reporters but referred to President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt as the “president of Mexico” in the process. On Monday, House Republicans sued the Biden administration in an attempt to procure audio of Mr. Biden’s interviews with Mr. Hur.

The hoax has been revealed and now everybody is pointing fingers at the "guilty" party--except they are ALL guilty of perpetrating this hoax. Every single one of them. 

As Democrats are weakened by the political infighting we should turn our guns on the media and everybody who has been complicit in pushing the lies on Biden and everything else. We need to put a stake through the heart of media credibility, because long after Biden is gone the media will be there pushing lies. 


That is our task right now. Biden is toast, either now or in November. it's time to take on the media because they are the much more formidable opponent. 

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