Too Little, Too Late Tories

Benjamin Cremel/Pool via AP

The Tories have been, on the whole, a totally worthless bunch of pansies in government over the past...well...hmm...since Maggie Thatcher? 

Maybe not totally worthless under John Major, although I barely remember him as Prime Minister, so I reserve judgment. 


But in recent years they have imported millions of migrants, gone down a net zero rabbit hole, and allowed gender ideology to metastasize into a dangerous cancer that has been sterilizing and mutilating children. Antisemitism has skyrocketed, crime gotten worse, and every time there is a conflict between Islamists and British citizens the government sides with the Islamists. 

Suddenly, when their prospects for survival look grim, the Tories are making vaguely conservative noises. 

The Cass Review has led them to reverse course on medicalizing childhood distress and the Tories are now pushing back on men invading women's spaces. 

Fine, whatever. Better late than never, I suppose, but politically it is too little and too late. 


Suddenly, in the midst of a campaign that promises to completely wipe out the Conservative Party, Rishi Sunak has discovered that there are only two sexes. 

Apparently this is news to the Tories, and they are getting right on it. They promise to rewrite the Equality Act to clarify what was, apparently, unclear until now. I mean, really--who knew until now that men walking around naked in locker rooms staring at women undressing wasn't a good thing?

As frustrated as American conservatives are with the Republican Party, they would absolutely be tearing their hair out in Great Britain. Here, we complain that Republicans respond only with strongly worded letters to indifferent Democrats, despite the congressmen having almost no power to actually do anything substantive. 

In the UK, the Tories have been in charge for years, and they seem to believe that their job is to take Labour's agenda, rework it a bit, and pass it into law. 

If I were a voter in the UK, I would follow Nigel Farage with an arrow that says VOTE FOR NIGEL! everywhere he went. Not because Farage is perfect but because he is the only sane person in the race. To the Establishment, he looks dangerous, but only because he is dangerous to the Establishment. 


Farage is obviously not going to lead Reform to electoral victory, but to be honest, I would love to see him absolutely destroy the Tories. Better him than Labour, who will walk away from this election with a supermajority in Parliament if the polls are correct. 

The challenge from Reform has the Tories looking to their Right rather than their Left. Good. If they have to be afraid of somebody it should be their voters, not the Islamists whom Labour has sold its soul to. 

All parties degenerate once they have power for a while, so the Tories' utter worthlessness isn't shocking in the abstract, but it still hurts in the concrete. They have been in power since 2010 and useless for a long time. They need to go; unfortunately what follows will likely be worse. 

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