Sunday Smiles


Joe Biden is very sorry. 

So so sorry. He used a forbidden word: "illegal" alien. He should have said "undocumented."

As with Leftists who get all weepy and angry when a transgender mass murderer is "misgendered" or "deadnamed," Biden is more offended by the use of a term the Left considers insensitive than the murder committed by a member of a protected class. 


Biden dismissed the murder of Laken Riley--a girl whose name he can't even pronounce because he doesn't know how--as just one of many that take place in the country. How many non-immigrants commit murder, he wonders? So no biggie. 

He actually said that. Sure, she was killed by an illegal--UNDOCUMENTED--but lots of people are killed by citizens, so forget it. 

But for God's sake, don't use the non-politically correct word to describe her murderer, or you will be like Trump. And being like the Bad Orange Man is worse than strangling a woman, raping a child, or shooting up a school. 


To call the priorities of the Left skewed is no less an understatement than suggesting that Satan is not a nice guy. Both statements are true but not sufficient to describe reality. We mustn't offend child rapist sex offenders, so if they demand to be housed in a women's prison, we must. Don't offend the Woke gods!


It also interested me to learn that the people who are currently streaming across our border illegally, being transported and housed by American taxpayers, and who are currently on an epic crime wave in this country built America. 

When did they do that? They weren't even here. 

If they were primarily White, they would be "colonizers," but since they come in every shade but White, they are the true inheritors of America's legacy. The tens of thousands from China? They built this country! Syrians? Iranians? They built this country! El Salvador? Guatamala? They built this country. Of course, they weren't here to do it, but so what?

They no more built this country than some random person in Poland, France, or Germany living today. If a person from Ireland illegally immigrated to the US, we wouldn't say that Paddy built America, so of course, we will house and feed him in a 4-star hotel. Many people from his homeland helped build this country long ago, but that tells us nothing about Paddy's right to be here. The same is true of the Chinese, who largely built the railroads. But not today's Chinese. 

Our representatives pass laws that determine who should enter and who shouldn't. Biden is ignoring those laws despite having sworn to "faithfully execute" them. 

I watched more of that interview, and it was striking how sycophantic it was. The MSM is desperate to prop Biden up to the point where I expect a toe-sucking contest to raise money for his reelection campaign. Or is that just for public school students?


Joe Scarborough went on a rant the other day about how sharp Joe Biden is these days, and you have to wonder if there is any lie they won't tell or any slander they won't utter to carry Slow Joe across the finish line. 

They tell us that democracy is at stake in this election, and to prove it, they censor us, lie to courts, try to kick Trump off the ballot, send the Justice Department and local prosecutors after Trump and his supporters, and rejigger the election rules to prove it. 

Yes, democracy is at stake, and the Democrats are its enemies. 

You all know I dislike Trump, the man, and am angry at Trump's failures during 2020. I think he is crude, insulting, narcissistic, and a bully. But let's face it: the MSM and the administrative state are tearing up the constitution into little pieces and using it as kindling to start the fire with which the Left is burning down our Constitutional Republic. 

Trump may be a jerk, but the Left is destroying our culture and our country. 

Vote for the jerk. It's important. 

I wonder if there were sandwiches at the event?


Imagine hard hard it must be to find a job if you are a black lesbian transgender woman. 



Kitties and stuff...


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