San Fran Voters: Get Tough on Crime!

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Are voters in Blue Cities toddlers unable to think ahead more than a minute or two?

It sure seems that way. Any adult could predict that decriminalizing theft, electing a radical like Chesa Boudin, handcuffing police instead of criminals, and embracing lawlessness would lead to bad outcomes. 


But mumble words like "reform" and "reparations," and a leftist will become mesmerized. They begin drooling and holding BLM signs, kissing the feet of every activist who demands it, and scrape the human excrement off their shoes without complaint. 

Until they can't stand it anymore, they reverse course and want to be congratulated for being smart

San Francisco residents on Tuesday voted to let police conduct more vehicle chases and deploy drones and surveillance cameras to fight crime. They also ordered mandatory drug screening for childless adults who receive welfare and housing assistance—benefits that will now be yanked from those who refuse testing.

Both measures passed by wide margins. The police initiative, which voters approved by nearly 20 points, would give law enforcement more leeway in when and why they can chase down suspects fleeing in vehicles. Officers are currently barred from chasing suspected thieves and can only go after those who they believe have committed a violent felony or pose immediate danger to the public. Police would also be able to deploy drones, facial recognition, and other surveillance technology to fight crime.

The welfare measure, which passed by 26 points, would require poor and homeless adults under 65 and without dependent children to be tested for drug use, and if they don't pass their screening they would have to enter treatment to receive San Francisco's cash payments and housing assistance. Those who fail a drug test and refuse to receive treatment will not be eligible for benefits.


I am thrilled to see that San Francisco voters have temporarily come to their senses and voted overwhelmingly for saner policies, but frankly, I remain unimpressed. 

No. Worse than that--I feel contempt for these people. For years, they have been preening about how much more civilized they are than the rest of us--the racist crackers who haven't the virtue or compassion that San Franciscans do. 

We were right; they were wrong, and many innocent people have paid the price for their vanity and childishness. 

Worse yet, the good voters of San Francisco will keep on voting for the very people who pushed this idiocy on them and keep working to export their stupid ideas to the rest of the country. They don't want to be an island of insanity in a sea of peace and prosperity. They want the rest of us to suffer along with them. 

These are the Newsom voters (literally--he was mayor); the Chesa Boudin voters, the $5 million in reparations voters, and the defund the police voters. 

They haven't grown up. They will keep voting for insanity, making a few U-turns when necessary, but remain totally confident that they are right and we are bigots. 

Do I sound bitter? 

Well, I am. If San Franciscans would learn from their mistakes, I would feel better about all this. But they have been busily destroying one of the world's great cities, and even after this vote, I am quite certain they have learned little. Certainly, it is not enough to question themselves and listen with a bit of respect to those of us who TOLD THEM SO!


Am I glad San Francisco might make a bit of progress cleaning itself up? Emphatically yes! I would love to see the city return to its former glory, because it is a jewel. 

But I have little confidence they have learned anything and am certain that they will keep exporting their toxic politics to the rest of the country.

I hope I am wrong.  

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