Are You Ready for the 'Homosexual Intifada?'

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File

Are Leftists stupid, ideologically blind, or just preying on the stupidity/ignorance of young people?

It's probably some combination of all three, I suppose. There are plenty of really smart Leftists who are ignorant; most Leftists think of people with whom they disagree as evil or stupid, and ideological blindness is a characteristic that describes most Leftists. 


Then, of course, there are just plain evil people who sell nonsense to these other groups whom they consider useful idiots, in the way Stalin used Westerners who wanted to believe in communism. 

Whatever is true in this case, Jason Rantz of Seattle's KTTH Radio brings us yet another absurd story about Seattle (and presumably other cities') Leftists who have amped up their calls for violence in defense of terrorists abroad. 

After another pro-Hamas/anti-Israel march and rally that took over city streets that Seattle mayor Bruce Harrell ceded, the extremists plastered their signage around downtown Seattle. That’s when we started seeing a new flyer showing two men with faces covered with keffiyeh while embracing in a kiss. The pink-hued message says “Homo-sexual Intifada” in all caps.

Seattle’s homosexual intifada flyer is a stark oxymoron as brazen as it is ignorant. It signals LGBT Seattle activists are willing to become more violent in support of a terrorist organization that would order them tossed from the highest rooftop the moment they accuse someone of misgendering them.

LGBT Seattle activists support violent Hamas with more violence

Hamas, the governing body in Gaza since 2007, is as welcoming to the LGBT community as it is to Jews. And their track record is hardly rainbow-colored. Under Hamas rule, being openly gay isn’t just a social taboo; it’s a fast track to execution. LGBT people face arrests, torture, and extrajudicial killings based purely on sexual orientation. And these views against the LGBT community are not merely those of Hamas.


Given the knowledge that readers at Hot Air have, I needn't remind you that homosexuals are not generally well-regarded in Gaza or the West Bank, and homosexuality is rather harshly punished by radical Islamists in general. 

Whether it is being hanged off a crane or thrown off a roof, the punishments for practicing homosexuals are almost as bad as misgendering and deadnaming people in the US. 

Such trivialities matter little to Leftists, who grab any opportunity to commit violence in the service of bad causes. Whether it is holding gender-critical women hostage, shouting obscenities through a bullhorn into the ears of counterprotesters, or throwing a full-fledged riot to protest...whatever they choose to protest, Leftists are down for it. 

To put in context what a call for "Intifada" really means, we need to look back on what happened in Israel and the "territories." There were two "intifada," or uprisings, and together they claimed over 6000 lives. An Intifada is specifically a violent action--it isn't exactly "free speech" or supporting a cause. It's violent resistance. 

In Seattle, at least, there is a group of homosexuals who feel so strongly about supporting radical Islamic extremists that they are promising violence on their behalf. 

Are they serious? Who knows? In the world of the Left, words mean whatever they want them to mean, and for all I know this is just bloviating. 

But this is Seattle, where the Left takes its riots seriously. During the 2020 riots BLM protesters occupied the Capitol Hill part of the city and held it for weeks, firing off guns and destroying businesses. There were multiple shootings, and nobody was ever charged. 


Seattle is yet another city run by idiots, populated by the mentally ill, and in decline because of it. 

That makes for good copy, at least, and Jason Rantz provides a lot of it. If you have a yen to know what idiots on the Left coast are doing any given day, Rantz is your guy to follow

That, and he has the best name ever for a conservative radio guy. 

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David Strom 7:20 PM | February 04, 2025