Cornell Professor Celebrates 'Exhilarating' 'Energizing' Hamas Attack

(AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

The Left is an inherently violent movement.

No, that does not mean liberals don’t abhor violence. Many do, and there is no necessary correlation between supporting a welfare/social insurance state and a love of violence. Moderate Democrats are no more or less likely to support violence as conservatives.


But the Left–it is a fundamentally revolutionary movement, and the means by which the revolution is to take place is violent.

The raised fist, Che Guevara, Mao, the Black Panthers, the Weathermen, the Palestinian “cause,” and BLM all share the same genetic roots in the French Revolution. Democrats of good will often assume, or delude themselves into believing, that the violent rhetoric is simply youthful exhuberance.

“By any means necessary?” No biggie. They just mean shouting.

No. They really really mean it, and show it all the time.

Liberals have been embracing the radicals of the Left for as long as I can remember, and there is a good reason for that: the radicals are extremely useful–they are able to move the ball forward very quickly in a manner that long, slow slogs through politics won’t. Leftists show up to rallies, are willing to shout from the rooftops, and create a sense of crisis that liberals don’t let go to waste.

Liberals have been playing with fire, and worse have been ceding our institutions to the radical Left. Universities–especially the most prestigious–are hotbeds of Leftism. Our public schools are owned by the Left. Our legal system–at least in the big cities–are now dominated by Leftists who are literally letting criminals off and allowing them to roam our streets and commit crimes with impunity.


Most Democrats sincerely don’t approve of the results. But for far too long they have refused to renounce the radicals. The more the radicals shout, the more the Democrats work to appease them. And cede more power to them, hoping that means they are coopted.

“Here…have more money and power. Now will you cooperate?”

Every time you hear the gauzy utopian rhetoric of the Left, think of the “Declaration of the Rights of Man” that was produced during the French Revolution. It was written as the founding document of the French Republic that arose from the Revolution…and was never implemented. Instead, we got the Terror. Slaughter on an industrial scale. A Europe-wide war.

AP/Reuters Feed Library

That is the real face of Leftism, not the gauzy utopianism.

Anybody who tells you that those celebrating the violence are a fringe group wants you to look away from the facts. Thousands of radical students being led by radical professors and activists march on campuses and in the streets, showing solidarity with hundreds of thousands of radical activists, are praising terrorism.

This is the product of radical Leftism being adopted by the Elite as a useful tool to undermine mainstream conservatism. The Elite thought that they controlled this movement; now this movement controls the high ground in our society. MSNBC has had to sideline 3 hosts rather than let them spew anti-semitic hate for all the world to see. The execs at the outlet claim that the disappearance of these hosts is “coincidental,” but we all know that this is ridiculous.


Watching a professor rapturously declare the terrorism of Hamas as “exhilarating” and “energizing” should shock us, but does it really? It certainly didn’t shock me, because he is saying nothing new. This is what the Left has been saying all along. The Democrats simply didn’t believe they meant it. They thought it was hyperbole, and useful hyperbole at that.

The liberals in our elite institutions are hastily trying to cover for their radical friends, and doing their “both sides” tap dance. We can’t let them succeed. We need to make mainstream Democrats confront the fact that their allies are violent extremists and force them to jettison their political allies.

I am not holding my breath on that one. The radicals make up the base of the Democrat Party. That 20-30% who show up, do the door knocking, distribute the lit, and do the vote harvesting. The Democrats sold their soul to recruit those campaign workers. Can they afford to jettison them?

The “silence is violence” and “misgendering is genocide” crowd are the most violent and genocidal group in our society. You and I might scratch our heads at the “Queers for Palestine” signs, but you shouldn’t. The goal that all these groups in the intersectionalist/CRT/Critical Theory/alphabet ideology share is the destruction of Western culture.

Like any revolutionary group they unite to kill their primary enemy, and then fight each other for power once they win. It happened in the French Revolution. It happened in the Soviet Union. It happened in Communist China. And they want it to happen here.


America isn’t 1789 France, 1917 Russia, or 1949 China. But they want it to be.

The past few years have been the coming out party for the radical Left in the US, and more Americans are seeing that the debutantes are as attractive as a 300 pound trans-woman in a sorority.

Will the Democrats openly reject the radicals? Some already have, of course, but it’s hardly a movement yet. Will it become one?

I have my doubts.

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