Liberate children to work?

The Socialism 2023 conference–you know, the one where the president of the American Library Association insisted that libraries need to be spaces for Marxist indoctrination–featured a number of sick puppies bent on destroying civilization.


Among the many such people was a “sex worker activist” who got a positive reception for suggesting that socialists need to stand up for the rights of child sex workers to ply their trade.

You heard that right. And by now you shouldn’t be surprised. The only real “freedom” Leftists will truly fight for is the freedom to use (or cut off) one’s genitals in any manner one so chooses. The most perverse desire must be celebrated–and if you don’t do so, woe betide to you.

Frankly I don’t care much what adults do with their genitals, or, for that matter in what manner they dress or behave as long as they don’t impose their perversions on the unwilling.

But children are different, and if you have learned nothing over the past year from my writing, this you should know: children are the real targets of the alphabet movement. Their implementation of the corrupt and perverted utopia they envision is predicated on “liberating” children from their parents and all the social norms which comprise our culture.

Sexualizing children is a vital part of this project; not every Leftist wants to have sex with children. But almost every Leftist supports sexualizing them.


A university professor told a self-described ‘sex worker activist’ at the Socialism 2023 Conference in Chicago Sept. 2 to create a mass movement to ensure the rights of child sex workers.

“A mass movement has a kind of persuasive value,” said Jules Gill-Peterson, a Johns Hopkins University history professor, according to audio captured by undercover journalist Karlyn Borysenko.

Gill-Peterson continued, “If you’re part of a project trying to think about the young people’s role in the sex industry … one of the ways you might feel like you’re going to be able to lend time and energy to that effort is if it doesn’t feel like you could be hung up to dry alone for it. Right?”

Gill-Peterson had responded to a question from Chanel, who introduced herself as a sex worker activist “working at the intersection of migrants, justice, capitalism, and sex work,” during the question-and-answer section of The Politics of Childhood panel. Gills-Peterson and Sophie Lewis, author of “Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation,” served as panelists of this session.

A Professor of History at Johns Hopkins advocates for a mass movement to liberate kids to be sex workers.

Think about that. It’s not exactly like this is some random loon on the street. That is about as prestigious as you could hope to get.

It is impossible to overstate how mainstreamed sexualizing children is within the modern Left. Actually, this goes back to the origins of the Left, to be honest. Their vision of liberation hinges on the destruction of all social norms.


And it is the Left who own the cultural means of production in our society, and they are deeply embedded in our political and corporate elites as well.

Children. It is all about the children. Both indoctrinating them, of course, as well as turning them into sexualized beings. And if adults are interested in taking advantage of that, have at it folks.

There is nothing benign about this movement. Just as there has never been anything benign or “reformist” about Socialism or Communism. These are profoundly evil movements, going back to the French Revolution. Their vision of utopia is not happy, civilized people working together.

Sure, there are well-meaning socialists, but far too many of them stand in “solidarity” with the rage-filled mob whose ultimate desire is to liberate the most savage aspects of their desire.

Including raping children. Every attendant at that conference should have cried out in horror at this discussion.

Instead they clapped.

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