Coincidence? I think not

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Trump announced that he was running for reelection in November of 2022.

Since that announcement he has been indicted by partisan Democrats 3 times. A fourth indictment may be just around the corner.


It is likely that all of these cases will be in the news and in courtrooms throughout the 2024 campaign.

That’s quite a coincidence. If I were a person with a suspicious mind I would even say it looked like something other than a coincidence.

Especially since the last two indictments happened just one day after some truly awful news for Joe Biden, the latest being Devon Archer’s bombshell testimony behind closed doors in Congress. The appearance in court happened nearly simultaneously with the public unveiling of the testimony for all to see.

That’s quite a coincidence.

Two of the cases so far charged are questionable on their face and based upon novel legal theories. The New York Stormy Daniels hush money case is so weak that it could only be brought in a city like New York or Washington DC, where the jury pool is so reliably rabid in its hatred of Trump that a fair trial is unlikely. The latest Jack Smith hail mary is based upon the novel theory that Donald Trump is the same as the KKK.


Uh-huh. Yeah, whatever.

Smith’s case is essentially a rehash of the January 6th Committee’s report, and will no doubt please Donald Trump haters. It will even make some Trump supporters–those not totally in thrall to the charms of the president–squeamish about Trump’s fast and loose approach to rhetoric.

But unless you think January 6th was really a grossly ineffective coup attempt, it’s legal theory is ridiculous. If true, Hillary Clinton’s and the Democrats’ political maneuvering post 2016 would qualify. They did pretty much the same thing, not just denying elections but working behind the scenes to change the outcome as well.

Of course we know that the rules for Clinton and the rules for Trump are different. See the classified documents case, where Clinton grossly violated the law and destroyed evidence to cover it up. Not to mention the fact that her documents actually made it into the hands of our adversaries.

I think Donald Trump has played into the hands of his enemies, at least when it comes to legal matters. Politically it remains to be seen whether this helps or hurts him.

Whichever is the case, the Democrats clearly see a political benefit now–hence the timing–and hope there is a benefit to all those trials happening during the campaign. And if they can get a conviction they hope to put a stake through the heart of both Donald Trump and Republican hopes in 2024.


None of this is a coincidence, of course. The Democrats carefully plotted this out since Biden’s election. The January 6th Committee, the investigations, the timing of the trials, and the indictments were dropped when it was most politically convenient. The timing was simply too convenient to believe otherwise.

Does any of this mean Republicans should put all their eggs into the Donald Trump basket, simply to own the Dems? Should Trump win the next 4 years will be nothing but a relitigation of the prior 8. The election of Trump would likely be a Pyrric victory. It would be a good poke in the eye of the Democrats, but likely wouldn’t get us any closer to winning the battles that count–including cleaning out the Justice Department and dismantling the security state.

I would love to see the emotional agony Democrats would experience if their big bet against Trump goes south. But I would love it more if we eviscerated the tyrannical administrative state that is destroying America.

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