
Being gay doesn't make you an alphabet ideologist

(AP Photo/Hal Yeager)

I was born in the 60s, so by the time I was aware of sexual preferences as a thing the gay rights movement was already in full swing.

In my youth the movement made what seems to me to be a strategic mistake: focusing on sexual deviance as a good in itself (by this I just mean identifying sex acts that many people find make them uncomfortable) rather than on the essential humanity of people whose sexual preferences differ from the norm.

The Onion captured this perfectly, back when it was both transgressive and funny:

Sometime in the late 80s and 90s, the messaging began to change, focusing on what makes gay people “just like us” and less on celebrating the ways in which this is not the case. The fight over gays in the military, while somewhat divisive and controversial, was actually a major victory even before restrictions were finally dropped.

That is because gays were asking for the right to be just like everybody else, not demanding that everybody thrill to the sight of them parading around in S&M gear.

Gay marriage fit the same mold, and the slogan “love is love” broke the dam. That was a slogan we could all get behind.

I personally opposed gay marriage, not because I thought gays shouldn’t have committed relationships with all the benefits of marriage, but because I still clung to the idea that marriage was about something unique: the bonds of family that are sanctified and recognized as something more than a contract.

Yet that battle was actually lost long before when no-fault divorce became the norm. There is nothing sacred and special about marriage in Western society, at least outside of devoutly religious people. Marriage is a contract these days, not a bond, and our definition of “love” is hardly sacrificial anymore. Our loss. And that is not the gay’s fault, but ours.

As a Catholic, I chose not to attend a gay friend’s wedding, although I sent them a gift and wished them well. I just felt that my religious obligations demanded that I refrain from going. But I, as a human being, am glad to see them happy and committed to each other, and they are friends because I think they are especially good people.

One of my objections to gay marriage was that I didn’t believe that for many of the activists, it was the real goal, although that same fear didn’t apply to the intent of many gay people who would get married. I believed that for the activists it was simply a mile marker along the path to reshaping society in their image.

Evidence for this is the relative scarcity of married gay people. Only about 10% of gays are married, while most heterosexuals get married at some point in their lives. It could be that the percentages will merge over time, but I doubt it, and the numbers indicate that there wasn’t a huge backlog of gays who were only prevented from marrying by the law. It’s rather that a larger percentage of gays are not inclined to marry at all for whatever reason, suggesting that while “love may be love,” the number of homosexuals whose love is expressed in lifelong monogamy is lower than for heterosexuals.

In and of itself that is fine. Heterosexuals are moving away from marriage as well, although frankly that in my view is not fine, given the fact that heterosexual relationships are where children come from. Not that we are having enough children, either.

Which in a way is the point. The alphabet agenda is really about deemphasizing the importance of children as unique and valuable, and the Leftist agenda is about reducing their numbers as greatly as possible.

All of this stems from a poisonous narcissism that runs through leftism in general and alphabet ideology in particular. The elevation of the self and self-expression as not only the highest but perhaps the only value–my self-perceived “identity” must be embraced and coddled or you are committing genocide–spells the death knell of Western civilization, and indeed society itself.

Of course, only certain identities deserve to be affirmed according to the alphabet people–those who don’t fit neatly into this new narcissistic world must be ruthlessly suppressed as fascists and bigots, proving the rhetoric about “freedom” is complete claptrap. It is the same kind of “freedom” that was found during the first truly Leftist movement–the French Revolution–where “liberté, égalité, fraternité” were empty words hiding the essential tyranny that lay behind the rhetoric.

Still, it is important to distinguish between homosexuals who do and those who don’t promote alphabet ideology. Over the vast history of humanity, there have been homosexuals who have not been enemies of civilization, and they have been the majority. Most societies have, most of the time, found ways to integrate such people into society through a form of pretending. “Bachelors” living together have been common enough, although there have been eras where homosexuals were rooted out and oppressed, as has been true of other minorities (try being a Jew in some societies).

Nobody I know cares much about Pete Buttigieg’s sexuality–we all think his offense is his grotesque incompetence that is hidden behind his intersectional victimhood. Same with Karine Jean-Pierre. She is execrable as a Press Secretary. Nobody cared about Pete Williams, a homosexual who worked for Reagan. Reagan employed many homosexuals; it’s just that nobody reveled in their sex lives and shoved them into our faces.

What makes alphabet ideology so poisonous is not that it encourages us toward tolerance of difference–in most things, wide-ranging tolerance of differences makes the world a better and kinder place–but rather its tyrannical nature and its celebration of the most bestial impulses. Its the grooming of children is especially vile but is only a slice of what makes it damaging. Ask any female athlete.

Gays are starting to fight back, although too small a slice of the population. The backlash against the alphabet people has started, although, with the full backing of the Establishment, there is nothing guaranteed about the defeat of the alphabet folks.

Those of us in the movement to fight the groomers should embrace the gays and lesbians who are eager to join us–not only are they actually our allies, but they will prove to be decisive in the culture war. Only gays can convince the fence-sitters because so many see conservatives as simply bigots masquerading as defenders of women and children.

Not every gay and lesbian person is a member of the cult. As in prior years, most people most of the time, regardless of their sexuality, want to be part of and not enemies of the larger culture.


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John Sexton 9:20 PM | January 14, 2025