Oregon is declaring an "emergency" to promote abortion and gender "treatments"

(AP Photo/Don Ryan, File)

Apparently, Oregon legislators are very worried about children.

Too many are being born, and too few are getting sterilized and mutilated for their tastes. Something must be done about that, and they know just what to do: open the floodgates for medical procedures that leave children dead or sterilized.


That’s what Oregon’s House Bill 2002 aims to solve. Soon enough Oregon will mobilize both public and private resources to ensure that the war on kids kicks into high gear.

Do you imagine that I am catastrophizing? Well fasten your seatbelts, it is much worse than you can possibly imagine.

The bill is a wet dream for a literal ghoul. Not only does it open the doors to unlimited abortion and sex change for minors, but it does so so minors around the country to come to Oregon and have medical procedures without either parental consent or even knowledge.

Further, it offers the taxpayers’ funding for such procedures, just in case you can’t force the insurance company to foot the bill. Which, if you are an Oregon resident, the companies will be required to include any cosmetic procedures you would like to get for “gender affirmation.”

The state will require higher education institutions to provide abortions for students, although, in another Orwellian move, abortions are now called “exercises of the individual’s reproductive health right.”


Because abortions are reproductive health.

Uh…the whole point is to eliminate reproduction, not make it healthy.

Oregon House Republicans are unsurprisingly objecting, although it’s mildly surprising that there IS an Oregon Republican Party. They haven’t controlled the Governorship in decades, and have controlled neither the House nor the Senate since 2007.

Every Blue state has been in a race to go ever more extreme on abortion and gender ideology. Children who cannot get aspirin in schools are being given free abortions by the state. When one state legalizes kidnapping children for gender transition, another cuts the parents out entirely.

And does it occur to nobody that the issues the Democrats are by far the most passionate about all have to do with preventing births? Aborting as many babies as possible. Sterilizing children. Promoting alphabet ideology in the schools. Creating gender confusion.

It’s not just that they all have to do with children’s sexuality; it’s that all these ideas are related to preventing the birth of the next generation.


Gender ideology is mainly a phenomenon of White middle-class kids, so it would be tempting to add a race component. But then again, abortion is an equal opportunity killer, so I doubt that race comes into it all. The race obsession seems to be parallel, not connected.

In either case, it doesn’t matter. It’s about killing. Oregon is also one of the most permissive states for assisted suicide.

There is a fundamental nihilism at the heart of this movement. And it is so urgent to get the killing going that the legislature is literally declaring an emergency to get the ball rolling as quickly as possible.

How much more ghoulish, even sadistic, can you get?

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