Biden's in. Together we can defeat him!

AP Photo/J. David Ake

Despite the last-minute jockeying among worried Democrats, Joe Biden has taken the plunge and announced his candidacy for reelection.

It’s tempting to think that nobody as mentally and physically compromised or as manifestly incompetent at his job could get reelected to the presidency. In a normal world, it would be insane to think he could.


We don’t live in a normal world. John Fetterman is a US Senator. AOC is a major political figure. Gavin Newsom – perhaps the most destructive governor in my lifetime – is a president-in-waiting if the Democrats have their way.

The world has gone insane. Joe Biden could get reelected if we don’t stop it.

The world may be insane, but it is easy to forget that most Americans actually are not. What they are is scared.

Everybody knows that things are going in the wrong direction, but they aren’t sure what to do about it. Most of the country wants Joe Biden gone, but almost as many don’t want his most likely Republican opponent to return to the White House, rightly or wrongly. They feel trapped and vulnerable. They are bombarded by propaganda, lied to constantly, and have no idea who or what to trust.

All our major institutions are compromised, and people know it.

Sane voices are called to speak up and speak clearly. To dare to tell the truth, regardless of the potential consequences – which these days can be de-platforming, online mobs, and even being put on watchlists. Matt Taibbi was just threatened with jail by a Democrat congresswoman for reporting inconvenient facts.

We here at HotAir are committed to speaking the truth loudly and clearly. And we are committed to stopping the insanity that has taken over our country. We are willing to take the hits because the stakes are too high and giving in is not an option. 


It is not an exaggeration to say that the future of our Republic is at stake. I know that every politician in every campaign makes that claim and that usually, the call to arms rings hollow because, for most of our history, the battle has been over marginal tax rates and levels of regulation. These things matter, but the Republic doesn’t hinge on specific choices on mundane matters. These are policy disputes, not existential choices.

But 2016, 2020, and especially the 2024 elections have been and will be pivotal moments in American history. Donald Trump’s election drew out the leftists, and they have been on a rampage ever since. During Trump’s years in office, it was about destroying Trump and MAGA, using any legal or illegal means necessary. Since Biden’s election, it has been about destroying the foundations of our Republic.

That destruction is happening – right now, before our eyes. Our borders have been opened to an invasion, our educational institutions are rotting from within, our medical establishment is busy mutilating children, and our media collaborates with the intelligence and law enforcement communities to silence and even investigate conservatives. Priests are being kicked out of military hospitals. “Sanctuary states” are being created to rip children from their parents…


The list is endless, and it must be stopped. 

No one of us can stop it, but together we can. I am certain of that fact. And I am so certain because there are millions of patriots like our readers who are determined to stay on team sanity.

We here at HotAir are able to keep speaking the truth due to your loyal support for our work. Advertisers help, of course, but as you know, corporate America is not always happy to support conservative media. We aren’t as pretty or as popular with the cocktail party crowd as you might imagine. Shocking, I know.

So we rely on your support and your memberships to keep going. That’s just a fact. We couldn’t do this without your active support.

So we here at HotAir are humbly asking you to join us in this fight for the Republic. We are offering a discount of 50% on subscriptions to recruit as many of you as possible to join us in our efforts to defeat Joe Biden and save our civilization. You can use code STOPJOE24 to get that discount.

It’s a great deal for you and an important help to us. It keeps us in the fight.

I quoted this just the other day, but it bears repeating. Ronald Reagan gave many wonderful speeches, but one of his best included this phrase, which has stuck with me for decades:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”


These really are the stakes. Will we remain a free country or become a shadow of what we once were and should be?

If the COVID emergency taught you nothing else, the lesson we should all learn is that freedom that we once thought inviolable can disappear in an instant. Poof. Gone.

We can’t let that happen. So join us in helping make sure it doesn’t.

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John Sexton 1:20 PM | September 09, 2024