No, it is neither harmless nor normal

I want to speak to the manager of this universe.

It used to be God. Now it appears to be a fallen angel. You know who.

The Queer community has found a new subset of whack jobs for whom we are supposed to feel sorry. They are hideously oppressed. Perhaps in need of being classified as a protected class.


Maybe, in fact, they need a sponsorship deal from Huggies, too.

The class? Adult Babies/Diaper Lovers. Otherwise known as AB/DLs.

AB/DLs face “harmful stigma,” and this is unjust. Oppressive. Proof that we live in a capitalist/heteronormative/cisgendered/homo/trans/whatever phobic culture that needs to be deconstructed and replaced with one more suited to people whose sole desire is to poop in their pants and be fed mush while sleeping in a crib.

They are “Young at Heart.”

The online magazine in which this ridiculous piece is published is Seattle’s Arts and Culture magazine, the Stranger. It is no minor, fly-by-night blog run by a guy in his basement. It is covered with ads from arts and culture organizations and the local government.

It is a sister publication to one in, of course, Portland, and also some Queer content blogs. Because of course it is.

What would it feel like to be a baby for a day? Your meals and clothes would be prepared for you, and your busy work schedule would be replaced with hours of mindless fun. All the responsibilities of adulthood would fade into the distance, giving way to a simpler life, if only for a short time.

It’s a fantasy that Seattle resident Smook has tried to suppress for most of his life. Growing up poor in Missouri, he had little access to children’s toys or television, and no friends to play with while he spent most of his time outdoors.

In 2013, when he found a group of people who enjoy roleplaying as babies or wearing adult diapers, called Adult Baby/Diaper Lovers (AB/DL), he thought he had found an opportunity to reclaim his childhood. Yet he felt ashamed of his newfound interest in diapers, and he was still concerned about finances. He pushed the idea to the back of his mind.


“Concerned about his finances.” Well I would think so. Babies are utterly dependent upon their caretakers. Who else will feed them, clean up their excrement, put them to bed, and get them to gender-affirming doctors on time?

The State of Washington advertises on this site

It is, however, a perfect Leftist dream. Having no responsibilities, no connection to reality. All he needs in addition to his infant cosplay stuff is a rifle and somebody to take down his manifesto in which he proclaims that capitalist society didn’t allow him to be solely an alimentary canal that ingests food and excretes the remains.

Leo spent the next eight years embracing this side of himself and exploring Ottawa’s AB/DL community. Smook, meanwhile, spent those years coming to terms with his interests, finally taking the leap into Seattle’s AB/DL community in November 2022. This gave them both the opportunity to express their true selves, form strong friendships with people who understand them, and feel loved.

But no fantasy lasts forever: these identities come with many stigmas. Accusations of immaturity, irresponsibility around children, or even pedophilia run rampant in online spaces and news articles. AB/DL people have been assaulted, fired from their jobs, or legally separated from their children for what community members and experts call harmless interests. Nevertheless, as the AB/DL community continues to grow, more safe spaces are appearing in Washington, Maryland, and Ottawa for these kids-at-heart.


More safe spaces are appearing for them. How nice.

We used to call those safe spaces mental institutions. Now they are places to find love and acceptance where people are actually encouraged to practice their sick fantasies.

AB/DL people may either call themselves Adult Babies, meaning they like roleplaying as a baby, which is called “age play;” or Diaper Lovers, meaning they enjoy the feeling of wearing or using diapers. Since the ideas are closely related, people sometimes identify as both. These may be casual hobbies for some, like Leo, and sexual kinks for others.

A lack of demographic research makes it difficult to say how many people identify as AB/DL, or how long they have been around for, but online communities have been growing over the last few years. Forums like r/ABDL and DailyDiapers had over 50,000 global users as of March 2023. One of the community’s largest in-person events, the Chicago Age Play convention (CAPCon), had over 1,000 attendees in 2022, up from around 100 in 2013, according to r/ABDL users.

The North American AB/DL community has been growing, with Leo as a vocal supporter for new members in Ottawa. People approach him online with many questions but also many fears and anxieties. AB/DL people are often stigmatized because of the misperception that they are sexually charged and out to harm children, Leo said.

These people are “young at heart.”

No, they are sick people who are at the very least in need of help, and at worst sexual fetishists who require constant monitoring.


We are being assured that just being an AB/DL doesn’t ensure that one is a pedophile, it beggars belief that we should assume otherwise. They literally get their kinks by pretending to be infants. While that is hardly proof that they act out their fantasies on children, it would be ridiculous to assume that there should be no suspicion.

That’s like claiming that somebody who dances like this in front of children is a benign influence on children:

None of this is intended to encourage people to embrace diversity. It is a full-frontal attack on the foundational norms of our society.

People who are self-declared enemies of our civilization are undermining its very foundations, and the powers that be are shoving it down our throats.

Look at the advertisers. They are far more important than the sick bastards who are simply doing these things. There have always been people with weird kinks on the outer margins of society, and as long as they are on the margins we can survive their existence. When they transgress beyond the survivable, such as molesting children, we punish them harshly.

But their mere existence is no threat.

But that is no longer the case, not because of them, but because of our Elite who are promoting this sickness on our children and demanding that everybody in society embrace this as perfectly normal and acceptable.


It isn’t. And if it becomes so society is done. Who keeps the lights on, people fed, takes criminals off the streets, and defends the country?

It’s not some freak in a crib drinking from a baby bottle and pooping in his diaper.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 07, 2025