WaPo infantilizes voters

Townhall Media

Earlier today I wrote about how the Washington Post was throwing out specious charges of racism against Wisconsin senate candidate Ron Johnson. Among other things I said that we should expect a bunch of new charges of racism, and I should have thrown in a bunch of voter suppression claims to explain the grotesque midterm losses Democrats are facing.


Well of course the Washington Post has already provided an example of the latter Narrative™. After years of blasting Republicans as election deniers, the Left is about to go all in on denying the validity of the 2022 elections. Elon Musk will be one of the biggest targets, but we have also seen new warnings about election hacking, Russian disinformation, and of course the old standby, voter suppression.

All 3 in tweets from today:


I have already written about the Elon Musk angle earlier today, but since racism popped up in the Wisconsin race I thought it was interesting that the WaPo chose to frame yet another election in this way on the same day. It tells you something important about what narratives they are trying out to explain why the Democrats didn’t actually lose, but were cheated.

I think the Russian hacking meme will only work with Democrats, who have become Pavlov’s dogs when it comes to mentioning Russia. If Vladimir Putin were caught giving Joe Biden $100 million under his enormous table, the Democrats would blame Donald Trump and the Republicans, ignoring the hookers and blow party Hunter was having with the money.

With other voters? Hard sell. Heard it before. Not impressed. Have you heard that inflation is not transitory?

The “election machines were hacked” narrative is semi-promising, but has the problem that the MSM spent years debunking the idea. Not that voting machine hacking is impossible, but if they are hackable in 2022, even after so much attention was put on the issue, what makes you so sure they weren’t in 2020? Because Dems and the MSM said so? Uh huh. Convincing.

They will try this hacking angle, but it probably won’t fly except with Democrats with lobotomies and MSM types. Hacking in 2022 makes the idea of hacking 2020 even more plausible, not less. So not a great place to go.


So back to the ol’ stand-by: racism and voter suppression.

Stacey Abrams has already dropped a hint that this is her strategy to explain her monumental loss tomorrow.

The WaPo story on Florida ballot security laws plays right into this narrative, and they do all right up to a point. The point at which it falls apart is that it plays directly into the traditional argument Democrats have been making:  black voters are too stupid for their own good.  Abrams said as much about black men being deceived by “propaganda.”

At some point black voters get the point: they are being patronized, infantilized, and are actually despised by the Democrats who keep demanding their fealty. That point is here, or at least close.

When most people read this story from the Washington Post they don’t think “oh, sounds legit:”

“I have been one who has collected hundreds of ballots, all legitimate ballots, to help persons and make it convenient for them to vote,” Bracy said. “Now I’m getting calls from people saying ‘Ms. Bracy, can you come get my ballot?’ I say, ‘Sorry, no. I’m not going to risk getting a police record.’”

DeSantis calls what Bracy and other voter advocates did for years to help deliver ballots “ballot harvesting,” and this year he signed a law that makes it a third-degree felony punishable by $5,000 and up to five years in prison.


Somebody collects hundreds of ballots? That isn’t exactly helping grandma and grandpa vote, as Florida law still allows. Of course this should be illegal. Even if the WaPo thinks otherwise. That isn’t voter suppression; it is fraud suppression.

Get your butt to the polls. Lots of people do. And voters of any color are able to. Just as they are able to get IDs. There is plenty of opportunity to vote by mail–it’s called a mailbox.

Democrats are losing the votes of black and brown voters because they clearly have contempt for them. They demand loyalty, but turn their backs on the bread and butter issues that matter to them as much as to voters of every other color. Cries of racism have worked for far too long, but their value is declining. Republicans need to capitalize on that.

As I said earlier today, both the Republican Party and the minority community will benefit from a closer relationship. A normal relationship, where Republicans win their votes or don’t on the issues. Even Democrats will benefit in the long run, as they wean themselves from the hard Left and get back to listening to voters from all walks of life.

It will be both fun and frustrating to see the Democrats and the MSM do a complete 180 degree turn on election denial come Wednesday. They have yet to admit they lost a major election fair and square this century, and I expect the midterm blowout to follow the old pattern.


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