Republican Racist Roaming Wisconsin

Cook County Sheriff's Office via AP

One day soon I will do a VIP post on the ridiculous claims about racism spreading across the land, but today is not that day. We are too close to the election to devote enough time to such a potentially long essay.


But I nearly spit out my coffee at this ridiculous Washington Post story on how Ron Johnson has practically donned a white robe and is roaming Wisconsin whipping up the KKK in Wisconsin. It is epically ridiculous and yet another sign of the utter desperation the Left feels about the looming disaster they are facing in tomorrow’s election.

You probably don’t recall, but I called the Wisconsin race quite a while back, predicting that both Johnson and the gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels would win, despite close races in the polls. Now that election day is upon us, I stand by those predictions, despite the gubernatorial race being too close to call by the polls.

Johnson is a lock in my view, and that is horribly disappointing for Democrats and the MSM (but I repeat myself). Mandela Barnes was supposed to win, and the only explanation they can fathom is racism. Because of course.

Mandela Barnes, you see, is black. And you cannot criticize black men unless you are Stacey Abrams, who just said black men are stupid and weak minded, and that is why she may lose. Propaganda and all that. Or maybe you can criticize black Republicans, if they are running for Senate, and call him stupid and weak minded, because Republican. Criticizing black people is racism unless they are white-adjacent, in which case they are white supremacists and not black.


Who knows? The standard changes by the moment, depending upon whether the Narrative™ benefits or is undermined. In any case, The Washington Post has once again unearthed the horrifying racial violence that lives in the heart of all we awful Red people. Our desire to lynch people is only matched by our desire to help our black neighbors out of a jam.

The Post’s story opens up with a truly horrifying anecdote that simply proves Johnson is trying to usher in a new era of lynching:

BLACK RIVER FALLS, Wis. — As he made his final pitch to voters in western Wisconsin last week, Sen. Ron Johnson told a story about a truck driver who got stuck while navigating a tricky road.

The senator said he was driving through Portage when he encountered a traffic snarl caused by the immobile truck. Johnson said he is typically impatient but was not in this case because he witnessed something “heartwarming”: The people of the small community in central Wisconsin sprang into action to help the truck driver get going again.

He ended the story with this reveal: “You know, one little point really — really doesn’t factor in the story at all. But the driver was an African American gentleman. So now why would I add that little detail? I happen to be running against Mandela Barnes,” Johnson said.

Johnson’s story is not heartwarming to the Post–neighbors helping neighbors regardless of race. It is the opposite. A dark tale of how Johnson is not colorblind and has noticed that his opponent–who is celebrated as a Black Democrat–is black. White people helping black people is bad because we noticed it as an example of how racism isn’t quite so common as Democrats want you to believe.


Colorblindness, we are told by the Left, is code for racism. On the other hand, if you are Republican and acknowledge that people come in different shades but can still get along fine, you are a racist. You are Bad Red Man. (Not red as in Native American, mind you, but the bad kind of red).

Ah, the “tangled webs we weave/when we first practice to deceive.”

Race has played a central role in the Wisconsin senatorial election, which is among the closest in the country and could determine the partisan balance of the Senate. Supporters of both candidates have accused the other side of unfairly injecting race into the campaign. For weeks, outside GOP groups have financed an onslaught of ads, including a spot that showed Barnes’s name styled in graffiti, and others that have labeled him as “dangerously liberal” and “different.”

Republicans rarely accusing their opponent of being “dangerously liberal,” reserving that criticism for black Democrats and not every single damn one of them. Usually we call Democrats “moderates.”

As for “different?” Without any context–and none is provided by the Washington Post which defends light against darkness–it is impossible to know anything about what that could possibly refer to. Is using the word “different” now code? I bet I could find the word in quite a few Post stories. I won’t bother to check because the accusation is beyond absurd.


The Left is going to have to write a new songbook, because the current one is as popular as the old songs on the B-side of records from one hit wonders. “Racism, o racism” will have to be replaced with a song about trans-pussy hat wearing oppressed people.

Ed wrote a piece earlier today about how Democrats are losing their grip on black and brown voters–not that Democrats ever think of their voters in racial terms, to be sure. Only Republicans do, because systemic racism.

It’s not that Republicans are going to get huge majorities of black voters any time soon, but black men at least have woken up to the fact that the awokened Democrats care more about transgendered pink-haired pussy hat wearing crybabies and drag queens than they do about bread and butter issues that matter to them.

Disgust with the priorities of the woke is breaking apart the Democrat coalition. These newly liberated voters may not be locked into becoming Republicans–yet–but the grip of the Democrats is being broken. Good.

The Republicans becoming more multiracial will be good for both minority voters and the Republicans, as long as the relationship is less transactional than with the Democrats. Race has been a huge dividing line in America, and a Republican coalition with large numbers of minority voters will, presumably, make exacerbating the tensions harder.

The more black and brown Republicans there are, the harder it will be to fake hate crimes and blame them on Republicans–a standard tactic Democrats have used in recent years to smear their opponents. You gotta love the black “white supremacist” in this hoax last year in VA:


The MSM and the Left will have to lose a lot more black voters before they drop using the race card. It may be a moldy oldie, but it has worked so long that giving it up will be hard to do. (Neil Sedaka reference there!).

So expect more and more cries of racism, and it to work less and less well.


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