Abortion: even the Left says it's about money

What kind of monster do you have to be to argue that it’s OK to kill people if it makes you better off?

Answer: a Leftist. That kind of monster.

One of the most bizarre arguments that has popped up in recent months for abortion rights is that it is a “bread and butter” economic issue. Presumably this is because all the polls (and common sense) tell us that voters are motivated by their wallets this election, and neither of the two pillars of the Democrat campaigns this season fit into those categories.


It’s hard to see abortion access or “democracy at stake” as easily moving votes in the current environment, so abortion fanatic Leftists are trying to shoehorn their message into a relevant narrative. It is a very square peg being hammered into a very round hole.

Rebecca Solnit at The Guardian tries her hand with the rhetorical hammer; perhaps she can pound that peg into that hole?

She comes off sounding like a total monster. I am tempted to believe she really is one.

Being a parent is expensive. Being a criminal is also expensive, whether you lose economic opportunities to avoid apprehension or spend money on your defense if apprehended or go to prison and lose everything and, marked as a felon, emerge unemployable. Abortion is an economic issue, because when it’s not legal, those are the two remaining options, leaving out being dead, which you could argue is either very expensive or absolutely beyond the realms of money and price. And being dead is also on the table because women have all too often died from lack of access to reproductive healthcare, including abortions (to say nothing of being unable to leave an abuser, to whom pregnancy and children can bind you more tightly). They are facing more of that now.


Off the bat I do have to concede that having a child is expensive. This is hardly a revelation. Feeding one mouth is expensive, so adding another will certainly cost money. Food, housing, clothes…we get it. So what?

As for the second point–becoming a criminal–yep that is awful. I suggest strongly avoiding what is behind door #2. Don’t do it.

What she leaves out is that choosing door #2 to avoid door #1–parenthood–is making you a criminal because you chose to kill somebody for money.

The underlying moral theory is grotesque. Our friend Rebecca is basically arguing that because having a child has lifestyle consequences that some people want to avoid, abortion should be legal. She isn’t even bothering to lead with the “clump of cells, not a human being” argument.

It’s straight up money. I have a life to lead, and a baby would be inconvenient and expensive. Dispose of the body, please.

Having no options but to be dead, criminal or a parent is not a sane or moral argument for parenthood, and it’s also pretty different than having certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Also, now that abortion is unavailable under almost all circumstances in Texas and other states, it’s an economic justice issue in that those with the financial capacity to take time off, travel in search of care and pay for it out of pocket are not affected the way those who cannot do so are. And those who can afford to get an abortion under these circumstances are also those who can afford to defend themselves against possible criminal charges.

All of which is to say, abortion is an economic issue and a labor issue, as well as a human rights and healthcare issue, as the AFL-CIO and other labor unions have recognized. So it’s been confounding to see some supposedly progressive men say that people should talk about economics instead of abortion, as if the loss of reproductive rights isn’t a huge economic blow to anyone facing the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. The last days before the midterm elections should include robust Democratic conversations about defending rights and pursuing economic justice, with access to abortion central to both.


Imagine, if you will, changing the circumstances a bit. Since Rebecca doesn’t even bother to argue that the fetus is not human (why? economics is the issue!), let’s talk about aging mom and dad. They are getting up there, didn’t save enough, and need to be taken care of. They are troublesome, demanding, need food and shelter–expensive and inconvenient in the extreme.

They are interfering with your career! Your lifestyle!

The answer? Off them! Quick, simple, efficient. Very Canadian these days, where euthanasia is a leading cause of death. They are even euthanizing people for being depressed but otherwise healthy, and will legalize “mature minors” getting euthanized without parental consent next year.

Murder as public policy. How nice.

Imagine the possibilities: why spend so much effort on the homeless problem? Set up death squads. Sure, cleaning up the blood on the streets is kinda gross, but nothing compared to pressure washing the human feces off the street!

The possibilities for solving thorny public policy issues are endless! Murder can be as convenient a policy tool as one of those plasticky kitchen tools that slices, dices, twirls, and does everything else when you are cooking. It can solve any problem, as long as you aren’t the one being killed. Even then your problems go away!


I have written before that the Left is a death cult, and I wasn’t exaggerating then and am not now. Every problem can be solved by killing somebody, so why not?

Rebecca and her death worshippers should be thrilled that we don’t share their values. I want to defeat her on the field of political and intellectual battle, not on an actual killing field. I still believe that killing people is wrong, even when there is money involved.

And we should be thrilled that these ghouls don’t want to get their own hands dirty with the real-life blood and guts their ideology demands; they prefer to outsource their murder mania to people in white coats working in antiseptic rooms.

But make no mistake: the Left is serious about their lust for blood.

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