
The Left's worship of death

Richard Drew

There is only one thing the Left worships as much as their own feelings: death. And the worship of one is actually based upon the worship of the other.

Not necessarily their own death, at least not at the particular moment. But scratch a Leftist and you will find a would-be murderer just below the skin. Anything that threatens their own comfort and convenience must be eliminated.

Everybody sees it revealed in the abortion debate, but many people don’t recognize it as death worship itself because there is dispute about the status of the fetus as a human being. Since few people can conceive that a person would openly advocate for murdering viable or even born children, the extreme position gets glossed over. These abortion until birth ghouls must truly believe that a 9th month fetus is not yet human, right? They can’t actually be advocating murder!

Yes, they are, because death itself is a good in itself if an individual wills it to be. Good and evil are “what I will” and “what I don’t will.”

What makes the death worship so obvious is the Left’s obsession with expanding Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), which is now one of the leading causes of death in Canada.

Similar programs exist outside of Canada, including in vast swathes of the United States itself, but Canada has been pushing the limits of medical murder to ever greater extremes. In 2021 the law was expanded to include patients who are not suffering from a fatal disease, and next year the program will be fully open to people who suffer from depression and other mental illnesses. It has been implicitly open to murdering mentally ill people for quite a while now.

Death is being sold as a viable treatment for everything from cancer (more understandable) to the basic, common difficulties of life (depression and loneliness). In six years MAiD has expanded 1000%, and it will continue to do so as the government keeps expanding access. Medical suicide will likely soon be offered to “mature minors” without parental consent. Already it is a common cause of death.

Common Sense carried a story about a 23 year old man suffering from depression who was scheduled to be murdered by a doctor, and it is heart wrenching. Suffering from depression he applied for and was granted permission to get murdered by a doctor, and was given an appointment for his death. His mother intervened and has, for the moment, saved his life.

On September 7, Margaret Marsilla called Joshua Tepper, the doctor who planned to kill her son.

Marsilla is 46, and she lives outside Toronto with her husband and daughter, a nursing student. She had known that her 23-year-old son, Kiano Vafaeian, was depressed—he was diabetic and had lost his vision in one eye, and he didn’t have a job or girlfriend or much of a future—and Marsilla asked her daughter to log onto Kiano’s account. (Kiano had given his sister access so she could help him with his email.) He never shared anything with his mother—what he was thinking, where he was going—and Marsilla was scared.

That was when Marsilla learned that Kiano had applied and, in late July, been approved for “medical assistance in dying,” aka MAiD, aka assisted suicide.

His death was scheduled for September 22.

Mr. Tepper’s disease was chronic–juvenile diabetes–but not fatal. It made him depressed and obviously suicidal. The Canadian health system’s response was to encourage him not to manage his disease and mental illness, both of which are quite possible, but to kill himself. And, as you will see in this and other cases, the state is not passive in allowing suicide. It is an active proponent of it.

In a September 7 email from Tepper, the doctor, to Kiano and Tekla Hendrickson, the executive director of MAiDHouse, the Toronto facility where Kiano’s death would take place, Tepper mapped out the schedule:

“Hii,” he emailed. (Apparently, Tepper did not use spell check.) “I am confirming the following timing: Please arrive at 8:30 am. I will ask for the nurse at 8:45 am and I will start the procedure at around 9:00 am. Procedure will be completed a few minutes after it starts.”

The procedure entailed administering two drugs. First, a coma-inducing agent. Then, a neuromuscular blocker that would stop Kiano’s breathing. He would be dead in five to ten minutes.

Apparently, Kiano wanted to bring a dog with him. In an email to him that same day, Hendrickson said: “Dogs are welcome in the space as long as there is someone there who will be responsible for them during the time at MAiDHouse.”

Bring your pet, but be sure somebody will take him away after I kill you. We don’t want your mutt. This is the current state of medicine in Canada. In the United States lawyers argue before the Supreme Court that lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment. In Canada it is a standard procedure for curing unhappiness.

MAiD has garnered some new controversy as it has been revealed that at least one, and perhaps other, caseworkers for veterans have been actively recommending suicide to veterans with PTSD. It shocks the conscience, but hardly should shock the rational mind once you consider the Leftward lurch in Canada.

OTTAWA — Explosive testimony Monday before the Commons standing committee on veterans affairs by a retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces suggests a combat veteran was offered MAiD twice — despite repeatedly dismissing medically assisted suicide — and was told that Veterans Affairs had carried out the service for others.

The committee also heard that the Veterans Affairs caseworker suggested medical assistance in dying was a better option than “blowing your brains out.”

“He was told in his original phone call where he was offered MAiD, ‘we can do it for you, because we’ve done it before, and one veteran that we’ve done this for, after we completed MAiD, after we killed him, we now have supports in place for his wife and two children,’” Mark Meincke told the committee.

Originally Veterans’ Affairs Canada originally denied that the conversation took place, but they have backtracked and called it an isolated incident. If so, it was horrific. My own sense is that it is likely not so isolated at all, as Canada has been rushing headlong into embracing murder as medicine. If they are going to legalize the murder of depressed minors without parental consent, as is likely next year, pushing veterans to off themselves if they are injured or unhappy seems mild by comparison.

Canadian Forces veteran seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury was shocked when he was unexpectedly and casually offered medical assistance in dying by a Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) employee, sources tell Global News.

Sources say a VAC service agent brought up medical assistance in dying, or MAID, unprompted in the conversation with the veteran. Global News is not identifying the veteran who was seeking treatment.

But multiple sources tell Global News the combat veteran never raised the issue, nor was he looking for MAID and was deeply disturbed by the suggestion. Multiple sources and VAC have told Global News that the discussion took place.

Sources close to the veteran say he and his family were disgusted by the conversation, and feel betrayed by the agency mandated to assist veterans. The sources said the veteran was seeking services to recover from injuries suffered in the line of duty, and had been experiencing positive improvements in his mental and physical health. They say the unprompted offer of MAID disrupted his progress and has been harmful to the veteran’s progress and his family’s wellbeing.

Global News has also learned of follow-up calls in which the agency apologized to the veteran but only after he lodged multiple complaints with VAC.

In a statement, Veterans Affairs confirmed the department is aware of what they called an incident between a veteran and VAC employee “where medical assistance in dying was discussed inappropriately.”

“VAC deeply regrets what transpired,” the statement reads, adding the agency is investigating the incident and that “appropriate administrative action will be taken.” VAC would not discuss the nature of the ongoing investigation or specifics of what consequences the employee might face, citing privacy concerns.

Medical murder in Canada corresponds heavily with who runs a particular medical system. Each province has its own medical system, so the standards and practices vary by geography.  In Left-wing dominated areas up to 7.5% of deaths are now medically assisted. In Newfoundland the rate of medical murder is less than 1%.

British Columbia has the highest percentage with 4% of all deaths by (MAiD).

There is significant difference with the number of euthanasia (MAiD) deaths in each province. The data indicates that British Columbia has the highest percentage of (MAiD) deaths (4% of all deaths) and Quebec has the second highest percentage (3.1% of all deaths), while Newfoundland has the lowest percentage of deaths by euthanasia (0.9%).

British Columbia has been the most aggressive province to promote euthanasia and is forcing healthcare institutions to facilitate killing their patients. For instance:

  • A recent story from BC concerned a cancer patient who was being pushed to euthanasia (Link).
  • In February, the Delta Hospice Society was defunded by the BC Ministry of Health because they refused to be complicit with euthanasia (Link).
  • In 2019, Alan Nichols died by euthanasia in Chilliwack BC, even though he was not dying but deeply depressed. His family begged the doctors to re-assess Alan based on the fact that Alan had lived his life with chronic depression, but they refused (Link).

The extent to which MAiD has become commonplace is illustrated by a story that came out recently about a man who is afraid of becoming homeless applying for MAiD:

A 54-year-old St. Catharines man is in the process of applying for medical assistance in dying (MAID), not because he wants to die, but because social supports are failing him and he fears he may have no other choice.

Amir Farsoud lives with never-ending agony from a back injury years ago. He tells CityNews at its worst he is “crying like a 5-year-old and not sleeping for days in a row.” Farosud also takes medication for depression and anxiety.

He describes his quality of life as “awful, non-existent and terrible … I do nothing other than manage pain.”

But Farsoud said his quality of life is not the reason he is applying for MAiD. He applied because he is currently in danger of losing his housing and fears being homeless over dying. “It’s not my first choice.”

Farsoud lives in a rooming house he shares with two other people, and it is currently up for sale. He is on social assistance and says he can’t find anywhere else to live that he can afford.

“I don’t want to die but I don’t want to be homeless more than I don’t want to die,” shared Farsoud.

Canada–famous for its social safety net–has reached the point where people have been convinced that facing death is preferable to facing hardships. Finding an alternative home is literally worse than death in some people’s eyes, so MAiD is actually considered as a compassionate alternative. A socialized medical system refuses to adequately treat chronic pain, but will instead offer death by doctor as a viable alternative.

When asked if he would consider assisted dying if he had stable housing, Farsoud said he wouldn’t “even be close to it yet.”

“It would be on my radar because my physical condition is only going to get worse,” added Farsoud. “At that point, I would be probably availing myself of the option, but that would be presumably years down the road.”

MAID officially became legal in Canada in 2016 under the requirement that death was reasonably foreseeable. The eligibility to apply expanded in March of 2022 to include people with disabilities or those suffering pain even if they are not close to death.

UN experts released a report in Jan of 2021 that said when “life-ending interventions are normalized for people who are not terminally ill or suffering at the end of their lives, such legislative provisions tend to rest on – or draw strength from – ableist assumptions about the inherent ‘quality of life’ or ‘worth’ of the life of a person with a disability.”

The original movement that sparked the Medical Assistance in Death law seemed reasonable to most people–even those of us who oppose assisted suicide for religious or moral reasons. We have all seen or heard of people facing imminent death, suffering excruciating pain or humiliating incapacity and realized that they are beyond the help of mortal man. If death is inevitable and just around the corner, can’t we find a way to help people die with dignity and without pain? We know that people often pray for death at the end of life, and can empathize.

That makes sense to most of us, even if we disagree and would prefer a system of hospice care that alleviates suffering without empowering people to kill others, we understand the impulse to more proactively assist people who suffer.

But even if you think that assistance should be allowed, there seems no way to avoid the slippery slope. And, as we can see in Canada, the slippery slope is real, is steep, and is unavoidable. Canada progressed in 6 years from allowing limited assistance those on death’s door to being on the cusp of approving the murder of teenagers for suffering from the trials of adolescence.

[I]n some Canadian provinces nearly 5 percent of deaths are MAiD deaths. In 2021, the province of Quebec reported that 4.7 percent of deaths in the province were due to MAiD; in British Columbia, the number was 4.8 percent. Progressive Vancouver Island is unofficially known as the “assisted-death capital of the world,” doctors told me. 

Why the dramatic increase? Over the past few years, doctors have taken an increasingly liberal view when it comes to defining “reasonably foreseeable” death. Then, last year, the government amended the original legislation, stating that one could apply for MAiD even if one’s death were not reasonably foreseeable. This second track of applicants simply had to show that they had a condition that was “intolerable to them” and could not “be relieved under conditions that they consider acceptable.” This included applicants like Margaret Marsilla’s son, Kiano.  

In 2023, those numbers are almost certain to rise.

Next March, the government is scheduled to expand the pool of eligible suicide-seekers to include the mentally ill and “mature minors.” According to Canada’s Department of Justice, parents are generally “entitled to make treatment decisions on their children’s behalf. The mature minor doctrine, however, allows children deemed sufficiently mature to make their own treatment decisions.” (The federal government does not define “mature,” nor does it specify who determines whether one is mature. On top of that, the doctrine varies from one province to another.)

Abortion and medical murder are both symptoms of the Left’s worship of death, but neither actually explains why the Left worships death so much. How, given that we are living beings with an ingrained instinct for self-preservation, has not only the death of others become a goal, but in many cases the death of oneself? It seems, literally, insane.

It is insane, but not in the sense of it being a psychosis. Leftism is not a mental illness in the way that we conventionally think of it–although we all like to joke that it is because it often mimics the symptoms.

Oversensitivity, apparent disconnection from reality, emotional incontinence, lack of genuine empathy for others are all hallmarks of Leftism. Even the seemingly constant desire for the literal eradication of one’s enemies is a frequent component of Leftist thinking. You hear it all the time in modern debates, but you can actually witness it during Leftist revolutions and revolutionary governments from the French Revolution forward. Murder of those who threaten your sense of reality is necessary for many Leftists, because reality itself is a creation of the mind, not something “real.”

What actually motivates this impulse toward death is something that is ontological–the definition of reality. Once you define reality as a creation of the mind, threats to that created image become a threat to one’s life itself. It is a violent attack.

Reality, for Leftists, is not something concrete in the way we think of it. It is primarily based upon the individual feelings and experiences of each of us. Others are who we assign them to be, the physical world is merely a manifestation of thought, and the ground of all things is our individual emotions. Biological reality is a construct. Hurt feelings are trauma. Disagreement is violence. I wrote about this earlier today.

Nothing–literally nothing–is worse than personal unhappiness. It is not a condition to be coped with, a fact of human life. Differences are intolerable. Anything that disturbs the perfect sense of contentment is to be destroyed. And if contentment is not attainable due to apparently irremediable circumstances, then death is preferable. Once the self-image is broken, reality itself is broken and cannot be repaired.

This, I believe, explains so much about why the Left appears to be so insane. Their self-indulgence is, in their view, not the symptom of an immature mind unable to cope with a reality that doesn’t always bend to their will, but rather a necessity of the reality that the only thing that genuinely exists is internal to them. And if their feelings are negative, existence itself is bad.

Leftism is not therefore a classic mental illness. It is a sickness of the soul and increasingly of the social order itself. Once the “reality” that the mind and feelings of a person are the only “real” things, the person appears psychotic because they have literally broken with reality. But this is not some chemical imbalance or genetic defect: it is a philosophical disease that is an acid on the soul.

Even in the worst days of the French Revolution, the Soviet terror, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, or the killing fields of Cambodia the impulse to seek out death was nearly unthinkable for the vast majority of people. Leftists murdered to reorder society, but they didn’t recruit willing volunteers for death.

But that embrace of death doesn’t derive from the  materialist version of the Left that is rooted in Marxism. Rather it springs from the more modern  critical theory version that is rampant today. Perhaps this is a Leftism that is informed by Nietzsche’s Will to Power rather than Marx’s Dialectical Materialism, which downplays the individual in favor of historical forces.

Critical theory is a melding of different strains of European philosophy that together necessitate personal happiness or death. Nietzsche plus Rousseau and Marx=critical theory, roughly.

In any case, this sickness of the soul is spreading from individuals to the entire society. A man posing as a woman with a penis, not a “Barbie pocket,” is being hailed as a hero by the President of the United States. This isn’t just about gender, but about the kinder, gentler version of Triumph of the Will. This time the will is not the imposing of power by force, but by redefinition of reality itself. Self-definition reigns supreme.

The end goal of this is a comfortable life and a comfortable death, with comfort defined as self-affirmation. Death as an affirmative good if one doesn’t feel happy.

Without God nothing matters for the Left but a trauma free life and a comfortable death. Struggle. Life. Love. Conflict. Triumph. Failure. All are nothing compared to self-affirmation.

God help us all.

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