I’ve been burying Huckabee for a couple of days now on policy, but I’ll defend him on this:
A mysterious group calling itself Iowans for Some Semblance of Christian Decency has begun waging a campaign against former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, insinuating that not only is the Republican presidential candidate not a true conservative, he’s not a real Christian.
There’s a link to the flyer at the link. Gov. Huckabee made a tragic decision on the Drumond case, and as new information comes to light it may be that his actions are enough to derail his candidacy. But attacking him on faith in this manner is reprehensible.
The group is urging the media to take a closer look at Huckabee’s record, including the story of Wayne Dumond, a convicted rapist whom Huckabee urged the Arkansas Parole Board to release from prison who went on to commit at least one homicide.
In fliers put under the doors of reporters at the Marriott in Des Moines, where Huckabee was staying Monday night, the organization, whose members are unknown, lays out its interpretation of how the former Baptist minister’s views run contrary to the Bible.
Huckabee’s support of educational opportunities for the children of illegal immigrants is portrayed, for instance, as “justification for violating the 8th commandment (stealing from U.S. citizens).” A lighthearted video clip where he pretends to talk to the Lord (watch HERE) is portrayed as “sacrilegious mocking of God for political gain.”
Most pointedly, however, the raised the controversial case of Dumond, the flier also raises the controversial case of Wayne Dumond, a convicted rapist whom Huckabee publicly suggested should be freed from prison.
We do need to find out who is behind this attack. It looks like the group who launched it is lying about its membership. That ain’t Christian.
The organization lists the phone number for Arkansas’ Eagle Forum Director Betsy Hagan, however, she said she is not a part of this group.
Exit question: Is this kind of anonymous attack a McCain-Feingold legacy?
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