Video: Armitage says it was "foolish" of him to out Plame

Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage appeared on CNN’s Late Edition Sunday. After discussing Pakistan and the war on terror in general, Wolf Blitzer played a clip of Valerie Plame calling Armitage “foolish” for outing her identity to columnist Robert Novak.


Foolish. She has called other Bush figures who had no role in her outing criminals, but the man who actually outed her is merely “foolish.”

And Armitage, who concealed his role in outing her long enough for Scooter Libby to end up convicted of perjury in the case, agreed that he acted “foolishly.”

How long will we have to wait before Tom Maguire’s head explodes?

More: Lawhawk adds–

It was foolish that Patrick Fitzgerald spent nearly two years trying to find out whether someone leaked the identity of Plame when Armitage was quick to admit this to him. And yet, the Left harbored fantasies of Fitzmas and perp walking members of the White House, especially Karl Rove, for a non-crime.

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