Hillary Clinton: Trump will not "go silently into the night if he loses"

Beware, fellow Americans. That wily Bad Orange Man is about to confuse us all so much about the November presidential election that he won’t even leave the White House if he loses, or something. At least that is Hillary Clinton’s story and she’s sticking to it.


The utter lack of self-awareness that plagues Hillary Clinton pops up once again to remind us all of what a Trump-deranged basketcase she has become. Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election and it broke her. Ever since the election was called for Trump, Hillary has refused to get off the stage. She may be convinced that Trump won’t go silently into the night if he loses the election but has she not noticed that she refused to do the very same thing herself? Granted, she didn’t have to be dragged out of the White House but she not only refused to gracefully concede to Trump until about 2:30 a.m., she denied her supporters a speech that night. Normally, a losing candidate addresses his or her supporters, thanking them for their support. Hillary couldn’t pull herself together enough to do that so she privately phoned Trump to concede and called it a night. The next day she finally delivered a speech to publicly concede.

Now Hillary is promoting the conspiracy that many of Trump’s critics are, which is that he will have to be forcefully removed from the White House. It’s quite a popular opinion on the left (and the Never Trump right) these days. We’ve all read stories of everyone from military officers to Democrat pundits expressing concern that Trump won’t leave on his own. It’s crazy but this is 2020 and that is the kind of conversation we can expect from now until Election Day. Trump rightfully said he’ll concede when he is able to determine the loss is legit – if he loses the election – but if it is close, he’ll have the same questions other presidential candidates have had. 2000, anyone? The 2016 election wasn’t even close in the Electoral College count and look how Hillary behaved.


Nonetheless, Hillary is out there spreading doubt and apprehension to loyal Democrat voters. Democrats are trying to convince voters that if Trump wins, it is because he cheated with the help of cronies. She participated in “a conversation” with a reporter during The 19th 2020 Virtual Summit. The 19th is a recently launched nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom reporting on gender, politics, and policy – their description, not mine. Lots of women speakers participated to commemorate the suffrage centennial. There were only a handful of women speakers who could be described as conservative. All the others were liberal women, including Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, and Meryl Streep.

In the conversation, part of The 19th Represents Summit, Clinton said she will continue to fundraise for Democratic candidates, both virtually and in person, and support organizations that strengthen the country’s voting infrastructure and increase voter turnout. She is especially focused on defending vote-by-mail and combating what she called a “hostile takeover” of the United States Postal Service by the Trump administration.

The mail has been slowed down, and there are reports of people not receiving medication, bills or Social Security checks on time, she said. In addition, postal workers’ hours have been cut and the cost of sending bulk mail — including ballots — has increased, she added.

“I have every reason to believe that Trump is not going to go silently into the night if he loses,” Clinton said. “He’s going to try to confuse us. He’s going to try to bring all kinds of lawsuits.”


It is as though the post office has always been crucial for elections. It’s all so ridiculous. Trump is using funding for the USPS as leverage in dealing with greedy Democrats who want every fever dream of theirs to be included in coronavirus relief. The postal service, while vital for many Americans, has been one hot mess for years. It’s been poorly managed, to put it kindly. Trump replaced the Postmaster General and the lumbering behemoth is undergoing reform. There is no way, however, that the USPS can handle an election where everyone votes by mail because of the coronavirus. Most states aren’t set up for it and the postal service is already struggling to keep up with the increased volume of mail and packages due to an increase in online purchasing by Americans locked down at home.

Hillary’s Twitter feed is full of dire warnings about how Trump is trying to do away with the postal service.


Also during her softball “conversation” at the summit, Hillary acknowledged that sure, she’ll be happy to serve in the Biden administration.

When asked if she would take a role in a potential Biden administration, former secretary of state and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton didn’t entirely rule it out. But for now, she’s focused on getting Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, elected.

“I’m ready to help in any way I can because I think this will be a moment where every American — I don’t care what party you are, I don’t care what age, race, gender, I don’t care — every American should want to fix our country,” Clinton said in a conversation with 19th Washington correspondent Amanda Becker. “So if you’re asked to serve, you should certainly consider that.”

If that answer isn’t a strong enough reason for Republican voters and conservative-leaning Independents to run, not walk, to their polling place on November 3, I don’t know what is. She’s never going anywhere but at least we have to hope she doesn’t get back into the White House and a position of power again.


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