Democrat concedes House race in New York and another race is looking good for the GOP (Update: Another concession)

The NY Times results page for House races is not very useful at this point. There are two races in which Democrats have conceded the race but the Times still hasn’t updated the page. I believe that’s because they are following AP calls and the AP hasn’t called those races. But again, the Democrats have conceded so, barring some unexpected change, these races are over.


One of the two is the race for NY-11 which in which Democrat Max Rose conceded last week. The other is the race in NY-24 between Republican incumbent John Katko and Democratic challenger Dana Balter. Balter conceded that race on Friday afternoon:

Balter said she called Katko, R-Camillus, on Friday afternoon to congratulate him, a day after Katko clinched the election. Balter did not win enough of the early absentee ballots to overcome the 20 percentage point lead that Katko had on Election Day.

Katko led by 55,102 votes on Election Day, and had a lead of 44,729 votes (55.6-40.5%) Thursday night after more than 30,000 absentee ballots had been counted.

“The current absentee ballot count makes it clear that our campaign does not have a path forward,” Balter said in a statement Friday.

Balter also challenged Katko in 2018 and that time it was a closer race, just five points. This time it’s more of a blowout.

And there’s another New York race that is looking good for the GOP. In NY-22, Democratic incumbent Anthony Brindisi is being challenged by Republican Claudia Tenney. As of now, Tenney is still up in the race though it has tightened significantly thanks to absentee ballots that favor Brindisi:


Brindisi, D-Utica, is winning the absentee count 73-27% (25,998-7,787), according to unofficial returns through Saturday from election officials in the eight-county district.

Brindisi has now cut Tenney’s lead to 10,294 votes, down from 28,422 votes on Election Day. There are at least 20,000 ballots remaining to be counted across the district. Brindisi will have to win at least 77% of those ballots to overtake Tenney, a Republican from New Hartford.

There’s no telling how those remaining ballots will turn out but if Brindisi needs 77% to win and he’s been getting 73% then it sounds like he’s not going to quite make it. If Tenney holds on that would be another pickup for the GOP which would bring them to a net gain of nine seats. We’ll have to wait and see if that happens as two weeks is apparently not enough time for New York to count votes.

Update: Another Democrat has conceded a close House race, this time in Utah-4:

Utah’s only Democrat in Congress, Rep. Ben McAdams, is conceding Monday to Republican Burgess Owens, a former NFL player, author and frequent Fox News guest making his first run for public office in a race that had been too close to call since Election Day on Nov. 3.

McAdams, 45, who returned to Washington, D.C., Monday, left a voicemail with Owens and is scheduled to hold an online news conference on his concession at 3:30 p.m. Mountain time. Owens, 69 and the second Black Republican elected to Congress from Utah, is also in the nation’s capital, meeting with other newly elected members of Congress and GOP leaders.


Ben McAdams won the seat from Republican Mia Love in 2018. Now Burgess Owens is taking it back. So this puts the GOP at +9 in the House (+10 if Tenney, mentioned above, wins) and thee are still a couple more close races where the GOP could pick up additional seats.

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