Sore losers continue plans to disrupt DC during inauguration

Do you have plans to attend the inauguration next month? No? Well if the reason is that you don’t care for the President Elect, then perhaps you might want to consider going to the “UnNauguration.” That twisted attempt a creating a portmanteau for the “Not My President” movement is the brainchild of a state level politician in Maryland who apparently can’t come to grips with Hillary Clinton having lost the election. State Senator Cheryl Kagan (D-Montgomery County) is determined to stage a concert not far from the site of the actual festivities which should just make travel to and from the area even more of a joy on the big day. (Washington Post)


A progressive state senator from Maryland is organizing a concert on Inauguration Day to raise money for liberal causes she thinks will be threatened under the administration of President-elect Donald Trump.

The UnNaugural Concert will take place the night of Jan. 20 at Montgomery College’s 500-seat Cultural Arts Center in Rockville, while thousands of Trump supporters and Republican faithful from across the country are celebrating downtown at inaugural balls.

Ticket prices range from $25 for students to $250 for VIP seating, with general admission running $100. Proceeds will go to five national advocacy groups that promote abortion rights, civil liberties, environmental protections, gay rights and gun control.

If you’re booking your tickets now you can look forward to an evening with some superstars of the musical world providing a powerful message in opposition to free, democratic elections. You’ll be seeing a cappella group Sweet Honey in the Rock, as well as Emma’s Revolution, famous for their smash hit, Stand Together. They’ll be joined by Brother Sun, Josh White Jr. and, er… Tret Fure?

Wait a minute. Who are these people? Well, I’m sure it will be a hoot.


Ms. Kagan (who I assume is no relation to the Supreme Court Justice) is describing this as an opportunity “for healing and inspiration” on a day which she clearly feels signals the death of the progressive movement or just the entire nation. Of course, what it really amounts to is an attempt to draw media attention away from the celebration of the new President’s swearing in and, very likely, a chance to jam up traffic in the area even more than it would be otherwise.

Just how much of an effect might it have, assuming anyone shows up for it? Check out how close the Montgomery College facility is to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. (Credit to Google Maps, with a scale of one inch equaling two miles.)


That’s barely five miles away. Just lovely. And another group is planning a Women’s March on Washington for the following day which they hope will draw more than half a million people to protest.

Say, do you remember all of the massive Tea Party rallies, marches, concerts and demonstrations which clogged up the District of Columbia when Barack Obama was first sworn in? No? Me neither. Most of us were pretty depressed to be sure, but we stepped aside and let the Democrats have their moment in the sun as the new President prepared to take office.


These people have free speech just like anyone else and they shouldn’t be prevented from doing this. But at the same time, everyone else is free to use their own freedom of speech to point out that these whiners are a bunch of sore losers who need to grow up.


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