CPAC interview: Richard Dreyfuss

If I had to guess which Hollywood film star I’d be interviewing at CPAC, I’d say that the name Richard Dreyfuss would have been rather far down the list. Dreyfuss came to CPAC in an effort to promote his non-profit project, the Dryefuss Initiative, which pushes for greater emphasis on civics instruction in primary school, as well as greater civility in politics. We mainly focused on the former, however, and Dreyfuss ends up arguing — ironically — for American exceptionalism. We both agree on the need for civics, and I bring up the Intercollegiate Studies survey results on the outcome of American education in that area:


I didn’t ask about Dreyfuss’ earlier expressed desire for the death of Dick Cheney in regards to his new push for civility, mainly because Jamie Allman did — and Dreyfuss apologized, saying, “I was wrong”:

Guy Benson interviewed Dreyfuss, too — check on Townhall later for his questions on civility.

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