GOP mega-donors to hold conference call demanding "action" on immigration

To echo Ace’s point from yesterday: It’s not your party, if it ever was. It’s their party. And one of the silver linings of nominating a loud-and-proud amnesty shill like Jeb Bush is that it’ll make the quadrennial “do I really want to vote for this milquetoast Republican?” dilemma a bit easier to resolve.


BuzzFeed calls this a “teleconference” but it sounds like a silent auction. Whichever Republican campaign promises the most in response to this call for “action” probably wins some coveted operatives and untold millions in contributions. Can anyone outbid Team Jeb? Let’s see what you got, Marco Rubio and Scott Walker.

The Tuesday call, which will be moderated by longtime conservative immigration advocate Grover Norquist, will include Mitt Romney’s former finance director Spencer Zwick; California-based fast food CEO Andrew Puzder; and billionaire health care executive Mike Fernandez.

Fernandez, who contributed at least $1 million to help elect Mitt Romney in 2012 and helped raise many millions more, has said he is leaning toward supporting Jeb Bush in the upcoming election. But Puzder, who helped fund Carly Fiorina’s 2010 Senate campaign, so far appears up for grabs in the early race for Republican money; and Zwick, who led Romney’s 2012 fundraising efforts, has not yet aligned himself with any of the prospective candidates who are courting him…

The teleconference will be hosted by the Partnership for a New American Economy, which boasts a bi-partisan collection of co-chairs including Rupert Murdoch, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Marriott, and Julian Castro.


It occurs to me that our current 2016 field, featuring something like 60 candidates from every niche and sub-niche of the party, actually lacks a true populist on immigration. Cruz is the closest thing, but Cruz won’t take the dangerous step of going after the GOP donor class for making amnesty a bipartisan issue for its own corporatist reasons. He might swipe at them occasionally but he can’t afford to make that a centerpiece of his campaign: If he catches fire and wins an early state or two, he’ll need to preserve as much goodwill among Republican fundraisers as he can (which isn’t much) to give himself any chance at the nomination. He’s simply too strong of a candidate to throw himself on this grenade. If you want to make the GOP business lobby’s insatiable appetite for cheap illegal labor an issue in the primaries, you’ll need a protest candidate with no hope of winning (a la Lindsey Graham or John Bolton on foreign policy) and no ambitions for higher office that’ll inevitably be thwarted in retaliation. Draft Dave Brat, Tim Huelskamp, or some other House conservative with nothing to lose. If we’re about to have a general election between two pro-amnesty candidates, let’s at least have one person in the field willing to explain candidly to voters why this of all issues is a rare point of consensus among the two parties’ leaderships. It’d be refreshing to have everyone’s true motivations ventilated, at least.


Incidentally, while this is happening on the Republican side, we’re discovering all sorts of fun new little quirks about Obama’s executive mega-amnesty from November. It’s not just that illegals will be newly eligible for tax credits funded by American citizens, even for years in which their illegal status was completely undisputed. Turns out the “advanced parole” status being granted to them could make those who leave the U.S. and then re-enter eligible to become permanent legal residents, which in turn would make them eligible to become citizens. There is, in other words, a path to citizenship buried in Obama’s scheme. Supplying them with new documents like Social Security cards and driver’s licenses will also make it easier for illegals to vote in federal elections, something which they’re barred by law from doing but which some do anyway, with occasionally momentous consequences. As you’ll see in the clip below, Ohio’s secretary of state received no input from the White House on how to guard against an enhanced risk of voter fraud in the wake of O’s amnesty, which isn’t surprising given that the IRS received no input from the White House on what to do about illegals claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit. There’s no element of Obama’s WGAF attitude to his final term that’s more WGAF these days than immigration. And yet, while all this is going on, our party’s power brokers are getting ready to demand that Republicans essentially ratify Obama’s legalization moves by passing some sort of comprehensive immigration bill. Enjoy 2016.


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