Crisis, day one: Teddy bear named "Mohammed" in Sudan

And for that, my friends, someone must burn.

A British schoolteacher has been arrested in Sudan accused of insulting Islam’s Prophet, after she allowed her pupils to name a teddy bear Muhammad…

The BBC’s correspondent Amber Henshaw said Ms Gibbons’ punishment could be up to six months in jail, 40 lashes or a fine…

Fellow teachers at Khartoum’s Unity High School told Reuters news agency they feared for Ms Gibbons’ safety after receiving reports that men had started gathering outside the police station where she was being held…

Ms Gibbons, who joined the school in August, asked a seven-year-old girl to bring in her teddy bear and asked the class to pick names for it, he said…

Twenty out of the 23 children chose Muhammad as their favourite name…

It is seen as an insult to Islam to attempt to make an image of the Prophet Muhammad.


By the same logic, isn’t every photo of a boy named Mohammed a similar offense? Ah well. I’m mildly impressed by the fact that they arrested the teacher and not the kids who did the actual naming. That’s progress, of a sort.

As you might imagine, the school has been closed — for a month — and is under guard lest anything happen to it.

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