Dem convention, night two: AOC, Jill Biden, and the Clenis

Here’s the live feed in case you’re watching on your computer. Read on.

Kudos to the Trump campaign or whichever Trump ally slipped this photo to the Daily Mail for publication on day two of the convention:


It should be noted that Davies was 22 at the time and claims that “President Clinton was a perfect gentleman during the trip and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him.” As for why Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were tagging along with a former president on a humanitarian trip with one of their sex slaves in tow, good question. Good question.

Perhaps Bill will address the subject in tonight’s speech.

We’re headed for another two-hour program tonight starting again at 9 p.m. ET. After watching last night’s proceedings, Anthony Fisher thinks that’s one hour too many.

Trumpists will look for any excuse to call Democrats anti-American, so the DNC gave us a large and diverse choir of Zoom-boxed heads kicking off the show with the “Star Spangled Banner.” I get that, Democrats, you had to prove you love America and couldn’t be seen as “canceling” John Philip Sousa. But were the rest of the first hour’s barrage of videos and musical guests necessary?…

Democrats, you’ve got time to fix this. Between now and Tuesday night, ditch the script and cut the program by an hour. Just give the time back, if not in deed, then in spirit…

This new flexibility in scheduling can give a heat-seeking missile like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez more than the 60 seconds she’s said to have been allotted to speak at the convention. A rousing AOC speech is sure to move the needle further than yet another unity video.


I think that’s good advice *if* all of the participating egos can be accommodated. But can they? Democrats are planning a keynote address this evening featuring no less than 17 speakers, one of whom is Stacey Abrams. If you cut an hour, is there still time for the keynote plus all of the other speakers, even with most of them limited to just a few minutes of airtime? The line-up is lengthy — AOC, Sally Yates, Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, Tom Perez, Jimmy and Roslynn Carter, a few other randos, plus close Biden friend Chris Coons and then FLOTUS-to-be, Jill Biden.

Come to think of it, you probably could do it in an hour. Give them an average of four minutes each and there’d still be 15 minutes or so left over for commercials or whatever weird musical interludes they’re planning. Progressives in particular should like Fisher’s idea. If the DNC’s going to limit Ocasio-Cortez to a single minute to speak, all of the touchy-feely bloat in the first hour is surely completely expendable.

An obvious possibility: Party chiefs could find more time for her, they just don’t want to. They’re aiming for swing voters, not the DSA choir. It’s not an accident that John Kasich got more exposure than AOC will.


Tonight’s schedule is a mix of aging Democrats Of Stature who have to be given a primetime slot somewhere plus the nominee’s closest friends and family aiming to humanize him for voters. You can’t put Kerry, Carter, or Clinton on night one of the convention, as none of them are big enough draws anymore to get casual voters to tune in that early. That’s why they lined up Bernie and Michelle Obama for Monday night, because those two have meaningful followings. You can’t put any of these people on nights three or four either. Night three is for the VP nominee and Democrats Of Stature whose stature was earned more recently than tonight’s crop — Pelosi, Hillary, and of course Barack Obama. Can’t put ’em on night four either, as that’s the night to keep the focus exclusively on Biden himself. So night two it is, by default.

Then we’ll get Coons and Jill Biden to draw us a picture of Joe the friend and husband, which feels unnecessary this year. Most of Biden’s political “brand” has to do with his personal warmth and gregariousness. Eighty percent of the reason to vote for him is that he’s Not Trump and the other 20 percent is that he seems like a decent enough guy. I guess Coons and Mrs. Biden are going to do what they can to lock down that remaining 20 percent.


Here’s live commentary via Twitter to inform and entertain as you watch. The thread is open for comments.

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