Open thread: Sunday morning talking heads

Something for everyone on this morning’s Sunday shows. Eager for the latest news on the rolling GOP clusterfark over defunding Obama’s amnesty? John Boehner is the lead guest on “Face the Nation” while House majority leader Kevin McCarthy gets the spotlight on “Meet the Press.” Interested in hearing more from aspiring Republican 2016 candidates after their tryouts this week at CPAC? Scott Walker will be on “Fox News Sunday,” Rick Perry will appear on “State of the Union,” Mike Huckabee will drop by “Face the Nation,” and Ben Carson will sit down with the “Meet the Press.”


Foreign affairs more your speed this a.m.? No problem. John Kerry will chat with George Stephanopoulos on “This Week” about how it only seems like the war on ISIS is going nowhere, how he’s deeply “concerned” that Russian opposition leaders are being murdered in public right outside the Kremlin, and how we can assuredly trust Iran’s terror state not to build nuclear weapons as long as we provide the right incentives. Also, Dianne Feinstein will be on “Face the Nation” and “State of the Union” to address the difficult question of whether Democrats should bother showing up for a speech to the United States Congress by the prime minister of Israel. The full line-up is at the AP.

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