Comedy gold: Sustained attack on Santorum launched by ... Arlen Specter

It’s a cardinal rule of conservative blogging that no opportunity to dump on Specter shall pass untaken. But c’mon: This is just desserts, no? Santorum went to the mat for this tool, who by his own admission couldn’t have beaten Pat Toomey in the 2004 Republican primary without him. That ended up being the 60th vote for ObamaCare after Specter switched sides. Team Sweater Vest deserves to suffer for it, and who better to bloody him up than Snarlin’ Arlen himself? It’s a terrible act of betrayal, but betrayal has always been his thing. (Actually, Santorum said recently that backing Specter wasn’t one of his prouder moments. The old man’s just punching back.)


If it makes you feel better, Santorum fans, this clip is more likely to help your guy than to hurt him. He’d love to have that Specter endorsement expunged from his record; getting attacked by him on camera as an outrageously outrageous right-wing radical is the closest he’ll ever get. That comes at the beginning of the clip, but stick with it until at least 3:20 for Specter quoting a line from a comedian about Romney having changed positions more often than a “pornographic movie queen.” I won’t spoil the surprise of telling you who the “comedian” is, but here’s a hint: That joke is crass, lame, and older than Specter. Is there any doubt?

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