Video: The obligatory "Hot Air making cameos in Taiwanese animation now" post

The NMA people e-mailed us the link to this earlier this afternoon, which officially makes it one of the most shameless bits of link-baiting ever attempted. Shameless — yet effective. The size of the characters is out of proportion to their traffic, though. Gawker’s considerably bigger than we are, and Drudge is many, many times bigger — to the point where he really should have been a freaky deaky Oz head too. In fact, ideally all the characters should have been disembodied heads. Here’s the one I’ve picked out to represent HA. May it haunt your dreams forever, my friends.


If you missed it in Headlines, read Matt Lewis’s farewell post at AOL. Quote: “[W]hile I have loved my tenure at PD, recent news that AOL had acquired The Huffington Post — and that Arianna Huffington would become editor in chief of many AOL sites — alarmed me.”

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