Flashback video: Nikki Haley clashes with Jake "Raghead" Knotts

Essential background via Haley’s YouTube page of why Knotts has been such a vicious d-bag towards her. Part of the reason is simply that he’s an ignorant bigot and proud of it; Ace is having a field day with that, but I think Frank J. at IMAO said it best: “You know what the left imagines Tea Party members to be like? That what Jackie Knotts actually is.” (Happy birthday, Frank!) There’s more to it, though, as you’ll see. Haley has been pushing a good-government bill for years that would mandate roll-call votes in the South Carolina legislature. It passed the state House in late March, after which she appeared before Knotts’s subcommittee to make the case for pushing it through the Senate. The fact that they’re debating whether legislators can be forced to go on the record with their votes tells you everything you need to know about the state of transparency and entrenched power in SC. Three clips for you, then: The first of the confrontation, the second of Haley in 2008 explaining the reasons for her bill, and the third of Sarahcuda’s new robo-call on her behalf. The primary’s Tuesday. Buckle up.


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