Video: The worst call in baseball history? Update: I blew it, says ump

I’m sure there have been worse calls, but never one where there was more at stake. Take a good hard look here, purists, because when this clip goes viral tomorrow — and it’s a metaphysical certainty that it will — the age of baseball without instant replay will be well and truly dead. It might not die in the next 24 hours, but it’ll never survive the off-season.


Exit question: Dude, three perfect games in the span of 25 days? What? Click the image to watch.

Update: Wow.

“I just cost that kid a perfect game,” Joyce said. “I thought he beat the throw. I was convinced he beat the throw, until I saw the replay.”

“It was the biggest call of my career,” said Joyce, who became a full-time major league umpire in 1989…

“I don’t blame them a bit [for booing] or anything that was said,” Joyce said. “I would’ve said it myself if I had been Galarraga. I would’ve been the first person in my face, and he never said a word to me.”

Joyce and Galarraga hugged after the game. Will Selig reverse the call and declare it perfect?

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