Video: ACORN now officially a national punchline

There are few surer signs that a story’s penetrated mainstream America’s consciousness than a reference in a Leno monologue, but lest you doubt how deeply the public revulsion runs, Rasmussen’s here to clue you in:


Fifty-one percent (51%) of U.S. voters now say Congress should end all federal funding of the controversial community organizing group ACORN.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 17% favor continued taxpayer support of the Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now. Thirty-two percent (32%) are not sure…

Only 15% of voters now have even a somewhat favorable opinion of ACORN, while 67% have an unfavorable view of the group. Those figures include only three percent (3%) with a very favorable opinion and 47% with a very unfavorable view.

I’m pretty sure it now qualifies as racist to even watch this clip, but let’s throw caution to the wind. Exit question: How can any government agency continue to do business with them after this? The group’s name has become practically a byword for sleaze.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | October 23, 2024